Marriage and Divorce Flashcards
what is marriage
Marriage is the union or relationship between a male and female.
what is divorce
Divorce is the legal separation of a couple.
what Is a Ketubah
A Ketubah is the marriage contract that is signed before the ceremony begins in Judaism.
what is aChuppah/Huppah
A Chuppah/Huppah is the wedding canopy in Judaism that symbolizes the new home the couple will establish together.
what is a get
A get is a religious bill of divorce in Judaism.
what is a mahr
Mahr is the name given to the dowry (wedding gift) in Islam.
Christianity sees marriage as a gift from God and it is a sacrament in Roman Catholic, Orthodox and Anglican Churches. It is a lifelong commitment taught in different Churches. However, marriages do sometimes break down hence divorces are allowed. The Roman Catholic Church does not permit divorces. Some Christians do not accept divorce except in the case of unfaithfulness because of Jesus’ teaching in St Matthew.
The ideal marriage for Jews is one in which both partners are Jews and this is the only marriage that can take place in a Synagogue.
Weddings are held under a Chuppah and the Ketubah is signed.
Although Jews believe that marriages should be permanent, divorce is permitted if the couple find it impossible to remain married.
Before a Jewish woman can remarry, her husband must give her a get. If he refuses to sign it, disappears or is ill she is called a ‘chained woman’. Even when she receives her get she must wait for ninety days to remarry in case she is pregnant.
Muslims and Hindus practice arranged marriages. These are arranged by parents who find suitable partners for their children. A Muslim man must give his future wife a dowry/mahr. Both parties must give their full consent to make the marriage valid according to the Qur’an.
A Muslim man can marry a Christian or Jewish woman but women cannot marry outside of their religion.
The Qur’an does permit a Muslim man to take up to four wives.
In Islam a divorce can be granted if the husband is mentally ill, sterile, abuses her, deserts her, or is in prison.
The Hadith is a collection of sayings by the Prophet Muhammad and it is recorded in it that a divorce is the most detestable thing that Allah has allowed.
In Hinduism marriage is the union of two families and the joining of two souls in heaven.
They are arranged by parents.
During the ceremony the couple will take seven steps around a sacred fire that represents God presence.
Traditionally, Hindus got married for life and there was no divorce. Today divorces are recognized especially in cases of infertility.