What is the anatomy of the mediastinum in relation to intravascular intervention Flashcards
What is dysphagia?
Difficulty swallowing
Where is the mediastinum?
area between the lungs
What are the borders of the mediastinum?
o superior: thoracic inlet (bounded by ribs 1, T1 vertebrae & jugular notch)
o anterior: transverse thoracic plane (between T4/5 intervertebral disc) sternum and fibrous pericardium
o posterior: posterior heart thoracic vertebrae between T4/5
What is the thymus?
gland/lymphoid organ producing T lymphocyte in childhood- involutes and becomes replaced by adipose tissue after puberty
Where is the thymus?
Anterior mediastinum
What does the middle mediastinum contain?
o pericardium o heart o parts of the great vessels that connect with the heart; -inferior part of SVC -superior part of IVC -pulmonary trunk and pulmonary arteries -pulmonary veins -ascending aorta
What does the posterior mediastinum contain?
o the azygous vein: conveys blood from the intercostal veins to the SVC
o sympathetic trunks/chains
o the thoracic duct: carries lymph to venous angle
o vagus nerves
o trachea and 2 main bronchi: the trachea bifurcates at the level of the sternal angle so is in the superior mediastinum
o thoracic aorta: only the thoracic part of the aorta is in the posterior mediastinum
Where do the intercostal veins drain into?
posteriorly into the azygous vein
What are the mediastinal branches from aorta?
o coronary arteries o brachiocephalic trunk o left common carotid o left subclavian artery o bilateral posterior intercostal arteries (one per space)
What are the anterior branches of the aorta?
- bronchial arteries (arterial blood for lung tissue
- oesophageal arteries
- mediastinal arteries
- pericardial arteries
- phrenic arteries
What is the aortic hiatus?
Opening in the diaphragm
Where does the right lymphatic duct drain?
Drains the right side of the head, right arm, right thorax into the right venous angle
Where does the thoracic duct drain?
Drains left head, left thorax and lower body into left venous angle
What does the trachea play a key role in?
What is the surface anatomy of the left venous angle?
Left sternoclavicular joint
What is the cysternae chyli?
Swollen part of the thoracic duct in abdomen
What is the path of the right phrenic nerve?
passes through the diaphragm with the IVC to supply the diaphragm from the inferior aspect
What is the path of the left phrenic nerve?
pierces through the left dome of the diaphragm to supply it from the inferior aspect