Week9-11 Flashcards
Between which meningal layers is CSF found?
B/w arachnoid matter and pia matter (subarachnoid space)
Between which meningeal layers is an epidural injection given?
B/w vertebral column and dura matter (epidural space)
Where does spinal cord terminate and cauda equina begin?
Where doe spinal cords originate from?
Spinal cord, mixed nerves
Where do cranial nerves originate from?
Cranium , some mixed, some sensory and some motor
What special sense nerve is CN I and what does it innervate?
Olfactory nerve, Sensory, smelling
What special sense nerve is CN II and what does it innervate?
Optic, sensory and sight
What ordinary nerve is CN III and what does it innervarte?
Occulomotor, (motor) moves all the eye muscles except for superior oblique and lateral rectus
What ordinary nerve is CN IV and what does it innervate?
Trochlear. Motor, innervates superior oblique. (like a pulley)
What ordinary nerve is CN V and what does it innervate?
Sensory: Face, anterior tongue (senses heat) , temperature
Motor: Chewing
V1 branch innervation of trigeminal:
Opthalmic nerve.
- Sensory info of face and scalp above orbits, pupil dilation (sympathetic nerve fibres), superior portion of nasal cavity (sneezing)
V2 branch of trigeminal:
Maxillary nerve. Sensory. Inferior portion of nasal cavity (sneezing aswell) , maxilla (upper) teeth etc.
V3 branch of trigeminal innervation:
Mandibular branch. BOTH SENSORY AND MOTOR.
MOTOR: All muscles of mastication
Pain and temperature from lower teeth (mandibular)
What ordinary nerve is CN VI and what does it innervate?
Abducens nerve. Motor. Innervates lateral rectus(abducting eye when you move your head and eyes rotate within socket
What special nerve is CN VII and what does it innervate?
Facial nerve.
Sensory: Taste for anterior 2/3 of tongue
Motor: Facial expressions
What Special nerve is CN VIII and what does it innervate?
Vestibulocochlear- Sensory: Hearing and balance . If you cant hear its because the cochlear part is severed
What special nerve is CN IX and what does it innervate?
Glossopharyngeal nerve. Sensory and motor:
Sensory: Posterior 1/3 of tongue, middle ear cavity, oropharynx
Motor: Stylopharyngeus muscle of pharynx (swallowing)
What ordinary nerve is CN X and what does it innervate?
Vagus nerve (same one in GIT)
Sensory & Motor.
Sensory: Pharyngeal and laryngeal sensation
Gag muscles of larynx (breathing) - vagus nerve senses food going down the wrong way
What ordinary nerve is CN XI and what does it innervate?
Spinal accessory nerve. Motor innervation of sternocleidomastoid muscle (extends neck and trapezius) and trapezius muscle
What ordinary nerve is CN XII and what does it innervate?
Motor innervation for the majority of tongue muscles
What is endoneurium?
Delicate layer of loose connective tissue that is the innermost covering
What is perineurium?
Middle layer covering. Cellular and fibrous connective tissue layer that wraps groups of axons into fasicles
What is Epineurium?
The outermost (most superficial) dense connective tissue layer that covers the entire nerve
What does the median nerve innervate?
originates from C6-T1 and innervates First second third fingers, half of fourth finger, palmar side of hand, lower thumb
What does the femoral nerve innervate?
Lumbar plexus but only accepts from L2-L4. Innervates hip flexion and knee extension (motor) and anterior medial thigh and anterior medial leg
What does the sciatic nerve innervate?
L4-S3. Flexion of knee and extension of hip, dorsi and plantar flexion in leg for motor .
For sensory: Posterior lateral thigh, leg and foot.
What is the forebrain composed of?
Prosencephalon—-> Telencephalon (cerebrum) and diencephalon (thalamus, hypothalamus, pineal gland)
What is the midbrain composed of ?
Misencephalon (tectum and tegmentum)
What is the hindbrain composed of?
Melencephalon (cerebrum and pons) and myencephalon (medulla oblongata)
What is the brainstem composed of?
Mid brain, pons, medulla oblongata
What is the action of the occipitofrontalis muscle?
Raising eyebrows
Action of orbicularis oculi?
Opening eyes
Action of Orbicularis oris?
Closes mouth in pout
Platysma action?
Depresses mandible. Tenses skin of inferior face.
Smiling- comes out of lateral end of mouth
Bones of the neurocranium: (8)
Occipital, sphenoid, Frontal, Ethmoid, Parietal (x2), Temporal (x2)
Bones of viscerocranium: (14)
Vomer, Maxillary bone (x2), Palantine bones (x2) , Zygomatic (x2), Mandible, Nasal (x2), Lacrimal (x2), Inferior nasal concha (x2)