Week Seven - Spelling Flashcards
3 aspects of english spelling that need mastery?
Phonology, graphotactics, morphology
Conventions about how and where we put letters on a page
- depend on within-word context
- punctuation as well
Nunes, Bryant and Bindman (1997) study of children’s spelling of past tense?
Went through stages
- spelled by sound
- used ed (overgeneralised to nonverbs then eventually confined to verbs)
- regular verbs
Spelling is… whereas reading is…
recall, recognition
Shallow vs deep orthographies and spelling?
shallow orthographies allow children to learn to spell more quickly
Changes in spelling have been made to reflect?
Inconsistent spellings do what?
Preserve link of meaning between base and derived form
What grammatical rules do adults still err on?
Plurals, apostrophes and orthographic pattern
Stage-based model of spelling development?
Propose a series of increasingly complex stages that children progress through over a number of years - adding strategies as they go
- pre writing (scribbles)
- alphabetic principles
- sequences of letters
- use meaning
IMP theory of spelling?
Phonological cues available to spell
more cues = more likely to get it right
Critiques of stage models of spelling?
Children use graphotactics and morphology from early on
Problems with changing english to be spelt as sounds?
english spelling would be different in every country/state due to pronunciation
What has clearly determined spelling?
Our speech