Week Eleven Flashcards
What are descriptive statistics
Statistics used to describe the distribution of and relationship between variables
What is cross tabulation
A technique for measuring association and controlling other variables
What is inferential statistics
Statistics used to estimate the degree of confidence that can be placed in generalisations from a sample to a population from which the sample was selected
What are the two most popular approaches for displaying variation
Graphs of frequency distributions
Frequency distributions are preferable when exact numbers of cases with particular values must be reported and when many distributions must be displayed in a compact form
What is black box evaluation.
Occurs when an evaluation ignores and does not identify the process by which the program produced the effect
What is Campbell collaboration
Group producing systematic reviews of programs and policies in many areas
What is cost-benefit analysis
A type of evaluation research that compares program costs to the economic value of program benefits
What is cost effectiveness analysis
A type of evaluation research that compares program costs to actual program outcomes
What is efficiency analysis
A type of evaluation research that compares program costs to program effects. It can be either a cost benefit analysis or cost effectiveness analysis
What is evaluability assessment
A type of evaluation research conducted to determine whether it is feasible to evaluate a programs effects within the available time and resources
What is evidence based policy
A policy that has been evaluated with a methodologically rigorous design and has been proven to be effective
What is formative evaluation
Process evaluation that is used to shape and refine program operations
What is impact evaluation (impact analysis)
Analysis of the extent to which a treatment or other service has the intended effect
What is nonequivalent control group design
A quasi experimental design in which there are experimental and comparison groups that are designated before the treatment occurs but are not created by random assignment
What is one shot design
A research design that measured the dependent variable after the treatment has been delivered for only those who receive the treatment