Week 8 - Substance and Addictive Disorders Flashcards
What does all substance use affect?
When is substance use a problem?
frequent use (dependent) addiction impairment in daily functioning (harming others or self)
What are the most commonly abuse drugs?
Alcohol Nicotine Opiates Barbiturates Benzodiazepines Over-the-counter meds
What are the three substance related DSM-5 disorders?
substance use disorder, substance intoxication, substance withdrawal
What is there not a substance use disorder for?
What is there not a substance withdrawal for?
What is there not a substance intoxication for?
What are the severity of substance use disorders?
mild. moderate, severe
What is Physiological need for a drug that causes unpleasant withdrawal symptoms (e.g., physical pain, craving for a drug) when it is discontinued ?
physical dependence
What is The strong desire to repeat the use of a drug for emotional reasons (e.g., feeling of well-being and reduce stress) ?
psychological dependence
What are the CAGE questions?
cut down
people annoyed you by critizing
guilty about drinking
do you need an eye opener
What is the substance intoxication DSM-5 criteria?
A. reversible condition brought on by excessive use of drug
B. maladaptive changes in behavior
What are lengthy period of intoxication?
What is the DSM-5 for withdrawal?
A. maladaptive behavioral changes when a person stops using a drug
B. defined by one or both:
-withdrawal symptoms for substance
-substance or closely related substance is used to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms
What is the DSM-5 for substance use disorder?
A. repeated use of substances that result in recurring problems (2 or more) within 12 months:
-impaired control
-social impairment
-risky use
B. clinically significant impairment or distress
What are examples of impaired control?
difficulty cutting down on use, ingest more and more, significant time drug seeking, psychological dependence, significant time recovering from use, intense cravings
What are examples of social impairment?
demonstrating significant problems in social life (missing work/school, poor performance, neglect child, driving while impaired)
continue to use despite problem
give up important and meaningful social activities
What is risky use?
puts the person in risky situations and person knows that it will cause problems
What is tolerance?
adjustment of brain and body to regular use of drugs
need to ingest more and more quantities of substance to get same effect
What are the 4 A?
ask, assess, advise, assist
What is another assessment tool?
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test
What are comorbities of substance use?
dual diagnosis anxiety depressive personality schizophrenia
What are some universal preventions to cut down on substance use?
Raise age limit, lower legal BAL for driving, commercials, workplace drug testing, taxes
What is some prevention to do with kids?
Comprehensive programs, skills building, self esteem, and peer pressure
What is some prevention to do with college kids?
Changing positive expectations about alcohol use and increased use of designated drivers
What is relapse prevention the most useful for?
nicotine, ETOH, marijuana
What is the problem with dual diagnosis?
hard to treat, high risk, rehab doesn’t know how to deal, need integrated or long term treatment
What are some CBT things to do?
Identify and change behaviors and cognitions that are fueling their substance use
Coping skills
What are some relapse prevention training tips?
Keep track of drinking behavior, apply coping strategies, and plan ahead for risky situations and reactions