week 8 - neuro (basal ganglia, limbic system) Flashcards
What is the fornix?
The major output tract of the hippocampus - part of the limbic system
What are the components of the limbic system?
Orbital frontal cortex, hippocampus, insular cortex, cingulate gyrus, parahippocampal gyrus, amygdala, olfactory bulb, hypothalamus, anterior and dorsomedial nuclei of the thalamus
What are the components of the limbic system?
Orbital frontal cortex, hippocampus, insular cortex, cingulate gyrus, parahippocampal gyrus, amygdala, olfactory bulb, hypothalamus, anterior and dorsomedial nuclei of the thalamus
What is the circle of papez?
Cingulate gyrus - parahippocampal gyrus - entorhinal cortex - subiculum - lateral and medial mammilary nuclei - anterior thalamic nucleus - internal capsule - cingulate gyrus
What is the function of the limbic system?
Feeding (satiety and hunger), Forgetting (memory), Fighting (emotions), Family (sexual reproduction, maternal instincts), Fornicating (sexual arousal)
What is the function of the orbital frontal cortex?
Perceive smell, involved in formation of memories
What is the function of the hippocampus?
Associated with long-term memory
What is the function of the insular cortex?
Associated with desires, cravings and addiction
What is the function of the cingulate gyrus?
Perception of pain and nociception
What is the function of the parahippocampal gyrus?
Provides a path for communication between cortical association areas and hippocampus
What is the function of the amygdala?
Fear, anxiety responses
What is the function of the hypothalamus?
Final output for the limbic system, produces hormones
What is the septum pellucidum?
A thin, triangular double membrane, separating the anterior horns of the left and right lateral ventricles of the brain
What is the central sulcus?
A sulcus running in the coronal plane, separating anterior and posterior of the cerebral cortex
What is the longitundinal fissure?
The fissure that separates the left and right cerebral hemispheres
Where is the paracentral lobule?
On the inside surface of the brain, visible through the longitudinal fissure, a continuation of the pre and post-central gyri
What is the function of the paracentral lobule?
Motor and sensory innervation to the contralateral lower extremity, defecation and urination
Where is the cingulate sulcus?
Superior to the cingulate gyrus - separating it from the paracentral lobule and the superior frontal gyrus
What are the main commissures of the brain?
Corpus callosum, anterior commissure, posterior commissure, habenular commissure, hippocampal commissure
What are the functions of the anterior commissure?
Connects structures of the olfactory pathway, frontal cortex, temporal pole and parahippocampal gyri
What is the function of the posterior commisure?
Connects the language processing centres of both cerebral hemispheres
What do patients with an absence of the full developed corpus callosum present with?
Impaired verbal processing speed and problem solving
What may damage to the posterior commissure present with?
Alexia - inability to understand written words
What are the main issues that present if the corpus callosum is damaged?
Pseudobulbar palsy - inability to control tongue or facial muscles (difficulty swallowing, chewing, speaking)
Speech and movement ataxia - lack of coordination
Alien hand syndrome - The hand appears to act on its own without cognitive control or awareness from the person