Week 3 - head and neck (pharynx and larynx) Flashcards
Where does the pharynx extend from and to?
From the base of the skull to inferior border of cricoid cartilage (C6)
What are the three parts of the pharynx?
Nasopharynx, oropharynx and laryngopharynx
What are the cartilages in the larynx?
Unpaired: epiglottis, Thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage
Paired: cuneiform, corniculate and arytenoid
What connects the hyoid bone and the thyroid cartilage?
The thyrohyoid membrane
What are the features of the thyroid cartilage?
Two lamina, fused in the midline forming the laryngeal prominence. Superior and inferior horns.
What are the features of the epiglottis?
Leaf-shaped cartilage made from elastic cartilage, closes of the laryngeal inlet during swallowing
What are the features of the cricoid cartilage?
Signet ring shaped, with the signet-shaped lamina facing posteriorly, complete circle of cartilage
Where do the arytenoid cartilages sit?
On the superolateral aspect of the cricoid cartilage
What are the features of the arytenoid cartilages?
They are pyramidal in shape with three faces, the corniculate cartilages balance on top, there is vocal process that attaches the vocal cords and a musclular process
Which muscles attach onto the arytenoid cartilages?
Transverse arytenoid, posterior and lateral cricoarytenoid muscles
Where do the corniculate cartilages sit?
On top of the arytenoid cartilages
Where do the cuneiform cartilages sit?
In the lateral muscular wall of the larynx
What are the borders of the retropharyngeal space?
Buccopharyngeal space anteriorly and alar fascia posteriorly, carotid sheaths laterally
Which space are continuous with the retropharyngeal space?
Parapharyngeal space, sublingual space and danger space
What is the clinical relevance of the retropharyngeal space?
It is susceptible to infections from Waldeyer’s tonsillary ring, or cellulitis from a dental abscess, these can travel down into the danger space and infect the mediastinum
What is the danger space?
The posteroinferior end of the retropharygneal space, it connects the fascial spaces of the head and neck with the posterior mediastinum
Where is the nasopharynx?
From the base of skull to soft palate
Where is the oropharynx?
From the hard palate to hyoid bone
Where is the laryngopharynx?
From the upper border of epiglottis to lower border of cricoid cartilage
What are the three layers of the pharyngeal wall?
Outer: buccopharyngeal fascia. Middles: muscular layer of circular and longitudinal muscle. Inner layer: mucous membrane
What is the pharyngeal raphe?
The midline of the posterior pharynx where the pharyngeal constrictors attach
What are the attachments of the superior pharyngeal constrictor?
O: pterygoid hamulus, pterygomandibular raphe, posterior end of mylohyoid line of mandible
I: Pharyngeal tubercle on occipital bone
What are the attachments of the middle pharyngeal constrictor?
O: Stylohyoid ligament, greater and lesser horn of hyoid bone
I: median pharyngeal raphe, superior and inferior constrictors
What are the attachments of the inferior pharyngeal constrictor?
O: oblique line of thyroid cartilage (thyropharyngeal part), cricoid cartilage (Cricopharyngeal part)
I: median pharyngeal raphe (thyropharyngeal part), blends with oesophageal fibres (cricopharyngeal part)