week 8 : middle childhood Part 1 Flashcards
What is this describing ?
a disorder in which a child has difficulty in attaining a specific academic skill, despite possessing average to above average intelligence and is not primarily due to physical or sensory handicaps
learning disability
what is a learning disability?
a disorder in which a child has difficulty in attaining a specific academic skill, despite possessing average to above average intelligence and is not primarily due to physical or sensory handicaps
what can learning disabilities involve?
name what these term mean: they are linked with learning disabilities :
difficulty with reading
difficulty with writing
difficulty with math
true or false. A learning disability is different than
an intellectual disability – where there is a deficit in general or global mental abilities
this is true
when can we usually diagnose a child has a learning disability ?
middle childhood
true or false. Learning disabilities are not life long disabilities however they range in severity
false, they are life long disabilities, it is true tho that they range in severity
what are some successful interventions for learning disabilities :
require early identification
timely specialized assessments
involve home, school, community, and workplace
would this be considered an intervention for children who are diagnosed with learning disabilities?
provision of specific skill instruction, accommodations, compensatory strategies, and self advocacy skills
yes this would be considered as an intervention
What are some assessment screening tests used for learning disabilities ?
early language milestones scale modified checklist for autism in toddlers revised
( M CHART R AGES and STAGES questionnaire ( ASQ)
Parent’s evaluation of developmental checklist (PEDS)
True or false. Auditory and visual checks are a must because this can impact their learning , specialized treatments would be implemented if any abnormal findings are found.
this si true
True or false. PEDS screening test can be done in school, the teacher is doing it at school and parents are doing it ( multiple people are doing the checklist where the child fits in )
MENTAL HEALTH IN MIDDLE CHILDHOOD : one in 5 children and adolescents in canada suffers from major mental illness, is this true?
this is true
Mental health in childhood can affect your adulthood ?
yes this is true
true or false. 80% of adults with mental illness experienced problems in childhood or adolescence
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity disorder is known as what ?
define if this statistics is true : 3.7% canadian boys - 1.5% girls aged 6-9 have ADHD
ADHD can lead into what ?
can lead into academic and behavioural problems in school
What is the cause of ADHD?
a complex interactions of genetic and environmental factors that are unique to the specific child
true or false. environmental risk factors can also affect ADHD?
ADHD characteristics :
compared to their peers, children with ADHD exhibit :
- higher activity level
- lower ability to sustain attention
- lower ability to control impulse
SELECT all that is true that can be linked to adhd characteristics :
compared to their peers, children with ADHD exhibit :
- higher activity level
- lower ability to sustain attention
- lower ability to control impulse
all true
true or false. ADHD is where the high activity level ( main issue) this means is that they are fidgeting a lot, not able to sit still or play quietly.
What are the 3 types of ADHD
- the hyperactive impulsive type
2.the inattentive type - the combined type
what does hyperactive impulse type of ADHD mean ?
driven by motor and constantly on the go (talking excessively )
what is inattentive type of adhd?
trouble paying attention to details, are easily distracted, often have trouble organizing or finishing tasks and often forget routine chores
what does combined type mean ( ADHD)
presents with both hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive symptoms
true or false. define if this matches with the characteristics of Combined type ( ADHD) = difficulty listening when they are redirected, indicate attention deficit disorder , lose things, and very forgetful ( they also don’t pay attention to social cues)
this is all true
true or false. middle childhood does not bring start to learning about oneself, parents do.
false, they do!
Re-call : middle childhood bring start to learning about oneself , name some points under psychosocial self, the valued self, and relationships and social status
what are the characteristics under it?
psychosocial self
- personality traits
-development of self efficacy
the valued self
-self esteem
relationships and social status
True or false. Anxiety has a genetic predisposition.
true or false 1/4 middle school child suffers from anxiety.
Anxiety becomes problematic when the child daily o move beyond the fears associated with a particular problem or when anxiety interfered with functioning over an extended period of time
is this true or false.
Recall: anxiety is a genetic predisposition, therefore it means it will develop.
false, it does not mean a disorder will develop
True or false. Comparing yourself comes with anxiety ?
What is separation anxiety ?
excessively anxious when separated from/or anticipated separation from home or parental figures
What are some separation anxiety symptoms ?
excessive distress when separated/anticipated
excessive worries about parents/siblings will be harmed
physical/somatic symptoms of anxiety
What is generalize anxiety ?
excessive worry or anxiety per routine activities such as school, family or sport
symptoms for generalized anxiety
becoming upset over minor issues
seeking reassurance
physical and somatic symptoms of anxiety
10% of children/adolescents with average age of onset being 8.5 ( generalize anxiety ). true or false.
what is social anxiety ?
intense fear and anxiety of social events/activities
what are symptoms of social anxiety
difficulty speaking in class or concentrating
physical and somatic symptoms of anxiety
School can be very helpful in terms of interventions, when it comes to social anxiety.
Refusing to go to school, participate in other activities or see friends could be a sign of social anxiety.
difficulty eating or sleeping ( because of thoughts ) could also be a symptom of social anxiety
yes this is true
Select all that is true that could help support a child with anxiety :Assess parent and child relationship/attachment
* Assess relationships among other people/family members
* Listening – the goal is to help the child feel safe and comfortable so they can speak openly
* Assess developmental level and determine whether regression is/has occurred
* Assess for symptoms of anxiety and coping styles
* Consult with MD and school counsellor
this is true
what is attachment ?
relationships with parents
Securely attached children have better emotional regulation. true or false.
what is self regulation under attachment ?
Self Regulation – children’s ability to conform to parental standards of behaviour without direct supervision