week 11: early adulthood Flashcards
what is primary and secondary aging?
Primary Aging – Biological, universally shared
* Ex. Hair changes, skin changes, vision and hearing changes
Secondary Aging – Variable among people, related to socioeconomics, health habits or disease
* Ex. Smoking, air pollutants, accessibility to health care
what is health promotion and wellness for early adulthood?
Early adulthood is a relatively healthy period of life
- Risky behaviours, like unsafe sex practices, poor diet, substance abuse, coupled with generally poor health habits, can cause poorer health outcomes long term
true or false: The nurse’s role is to identify sources of secondary aging, health disparities and work in collaboration with the pt. and resources to minimize risk
what are the five positive health practices that were identified in Alameda Longitudinal study?
- Getting physical exercise
- Not Smoking
- Not drinking
- Not over or under-eating
- Getting regular sleep
true or false: Longitudinal studies suggest that healthy lifestyle choices of early adulthood have cumulative effects
what are some environmental factors?
Society is generally more sedentary = leads to obesity
Access to health care
Health strongly related to income – social determinants
* Food insecurity
* Inadequate housing
* Safe work
select al that is true regarding stress:
Very individual
Healthy in large doses
Long term exposure can lead to deterioration of blood vessels
Can damage immune system
Susceptible to disease
Less able to fight of germs
Over stimulation can result in body attacking itself – damaging healthy tissue
NOT healthy in large but small!!!
is this true or false:
Adults with adequate social support have a lower risk of disease, death, and depression than do adults with weaker social networks or less supportive relationships
* Why? Better functioning immune system
what does a sense of control mean?
how much charge are you taking over your life?
Those who are high in self-efficacy are more likely to follow medical advice
Optimists show larger benefits from medication than pessimists do
what is internal locus of control and external locus of control?
internal locus of control: sees herself as capable of exerting some control over health issues
External locus of control: believes other people or luck are responsible for her health issues
true or false: Young adults perform better in almost every physical way that middle or older adults
* Muscle mass, bone density, better eyesight and hearing and a stronger immune system – Primary aging
There is a loss of strength and speed as we move through adulthood
true or false: Risks of miscarriage and complications increase from 20’s to 30’s
* Chronic diseases are impacted by genetics, epigenetics, and lifestyle
* Lifestyle includes the use of cannabis
all true
why is their stigma around the use of cannabis?
seen as unprofessional, makes you seem lazy/ not as good as your peers
true or false: Early adulthood remains high risk for negative outcomes
what is the high risk and low risk users of cannabis?
high: adolescence and early adulthood
lowest: Middle adulthood
what is the definition of stigma?
Stigma = a set of negative and often unfair beliefs that a society or group of people have about something
Asbridge, Brochu et al., (2011) concluded that use is more “mainstream” and less a “subculture”
* There are health risks – public education
* This age group use mainly for leisure, then pain and anxiety
what is every nurses role?
Every Nurse’s Role
* Be informed about cannabis
* Assessment – CUDIT – from adolescence
* Evaluate impact/adverse reactions
* Speak to prescribed, non-prescribed, illicit use
also the College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba has a medical cannabis guideline
what are the three types of intelligence?
practical - “Street Smarts”
Not acquired through reading
Considers people and circumstances insightfully
Based on previous experiences
Able to understand and handle new situations
crystallized - Depends heavily on education and experience
E.g., vocabulary, ability to read, technical skills for your job
fluid- involves more “basic” abilities that depend on the efficient functioning of the central
nervous system
E.g., abstract reasoning. Involves
the ability to solve problems and reason about things independent of previously existing knowledge
true or false: Adults maintain crystallized intelligence throughout early and middle adulthood, but fluid intelligence
declines fairly steadily over adulthood, starting at perhaps age 35 or 40
what is emotional intelligence?
Capacity to recognize one’s own emotions and those of others.
Distinguish between different feelings and label them appropriately.
Use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior and adjust emotions to adapt to environments
what is the self and social emotional intelligence ?
self awareness (recognition)
social awareness
self management (regulation)
relationship management
what is recognition in more detail (self and social awareness)
self awareness: self awareness, self assessment and self confidence
social awareness- empathy approachable good listener and organizational awareness
what is regulation in more detail (self management and relationship management)?
self management - self control, transparency, achievement, adaptability initiative and optimism
relationship management - influence, inspirational leadership, coach and mentor, conflict management, teamwork and collaboration charge catalyst
what are the eight Gardners theory of multiple intelligences?
theres naturalist, spatial, linguistic, intra-personal, interpersonal, logical mathematical, musical and bodily kinesthetic
risky behaviours for emotional intelligence?
Young adults with high EI scores have been shown to have an increased ability to cope with life stressors & stronger relationships
* High EI is linked with lower rates of alcohol abuse (risky behavior).
The percentage of heavy drinkers rises sharply between the ages of 18-24 (stats Canada 2010).
College students who were binge drinkers have an increased risk of coma/death and other negative consequences such as drunk driving and unprotected sex.
employment in emotional intelligence?
There are employment realities that young adults face
* Decreased employment opportunities
* Diminished job security
* Fast-paced technology
* Constant “up skilling”
* Life-long learning
* Increased ability to be aware of emotions, led to increased ability to use emotions to achieve goals, set clear and measurable goals, present and communicate their positive attributes with ease with others,
* Ability to engage in continuous creative learning
* Able to apply basic skills to seek new information, learning new skills to achieve goals.
select all that is true regarding role transitions:
Not an event – rather a process
* Involves the passage of time
* Change in fundamental life patterns
* Requires adaptation, adjustment and learning on the part of the individual (system, organization, family etc.)
* Affected by:
* Wellbeing (physical and emotional), planning, knowledge, skill, experience, attributes, relationships and resources and one’s ability to access them
* Psychological – dramatic decrease in reckless behaviours
* Increase in self-control
* Physical, strength, coordination, dexterity and sensory function all peak
all true
what is role transition?
Completing education – graduation
* Beginning full time employment
* Living independently
* Marriage
* Parenthood Successful Transition
* Subjective well-being
* Physical and mental
* Rolemastery
* Well-being of relationships