Week 8 Flashcards
what is obstetrics
study on pregnancy, childbirth & post-partum
last menstrual period
estimated due date
gravidity / gravida
number of times woman has been pregnant
number of births after 20 weeks of gestation
1st trimester begins & ends at
6 weeks - 14 weeks of GA
Scans used during GA weeks 6 - 10
Dating scans
Scans used during GA weeks 11 - 14
1st Trimester screening (NT measurement) + chorionic villus sampling
Scans used during GA weeks 16 - 18
Scans used during GA weeks 19 - 22
fetal anomalies / detailed scans + amniocentesis
Scans used during GA weeks 28 onwards
growth scan using doppler studies
2nd trimester begins & ends at
GA weeks 16 - 22
3rd trimester begins a
GA week 28 onwards
EDD formula
Naegele’s formula:
LMP date + 7 days - 3 months + 1 year
ex: 12/11/2019 > 19/08/2020
fundal height determined by
abdominal palpitations
US measurements are most accurate during __
1st trimester (GA weeks 8-10)
probe used for 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester
1st = TV and/or TA
2nd = TA
3rd = TA
what is the fetus floating in __
amniotic fluid
what determines pregnancy & fetal age
beta-hCG rises in __ & peaks around __
1st trimester; 12 weeks post conception
low levels of beta-hCG means __
ectopic pregnancy
low levels of beta-hCG means __
molar pregnancy where abnormal tissue grows instead of embryo
beta-hCG is a key marker for __
8 - 10 weeks
displays for 1st & 2nd trimester
1st tri:
Color doppler
Pulsed doppler