Week 7 Thomson- Facial Deformity Flashcards
What is required for assessing patient before orthognathic surgery?
- Clinical exam
- Study models
- Radiographs
What are indications for orthognathic surgery? Which are most common?
- Difficulty chewing and swallowing
- TMD & headache
- Excessive O wear
- Open bite
- Unbalanced facial appearance
- Facial injury or congenital defects
- Receding chin
- Md prognathism
- Incompetent lips
- Chronic mouth breathing & dry mouth
What are tx goals for orthognathic surgery?
- Establish better function
- Improve dental occlusion
- Normalise/optimise facial aesthetics
- Improve overall pt health
What are surgical approaches for orthognathic surgeries?
- Lefort 1 mx osteotomy
- Bilateral sagittal split osteotomy
- Bimaxillary surgery
- Genioplasty
- Segmental osteotomies
What surgery is required for this pt?
- Bimaxillary osteotomy
- Genioplasty
What is the fundamental surgical principle for orthognathic surgery?
- Pre-surgical ortho for 1.5 years
- Osteotomy to separate the maxilla / mandible from the skull and/or temporomandibular articulation, and then fix bone segment to a planned new position.
- Fixation using titanium miniplates/screws or IMF to allow stabilisation for bone healing
- Post surgical ortho for further 6 months-1 year.
What is lefort I osteotomy?
- Mx osteotomy sectioning lateral walls of mx sinus and lateral wall of nose
- Sited above apices of mx teeth
- Nasal septum divided from mx crest
- Down-fracture & mobilisation
- Mx repositioning
- Mx segmentalisation (correction of width, O plane, dento-alveolar relations)
What is involved in bilateral sagittal split osteotomy?
- Advance set back md
- Correct rotations/adjust asymmetry
- Close small open bite discrepancies
- Natural cleavage plane between B & L cortical plates
- Sagittal split- proximal (condylar) fragment, distal (dento-alveolar) fragment
What is the purpose of a wafer following double jaw surgery?
Helps reposition md against mx teeth and it can be wired into position
What is genioplasty?
- Can be adjunct procedure to DJS or solitary procedure
- Can advance or set back
- Rotated L or R
- Augmented/Reduced vertical dimension
What are some craniofacial syndromes?
- Apert’s syndrome (angle shaped head, bulging eyes)
- Crouzons syndrome
- Craniofacial microsomia
- Treacher-collins syndrome
What is distraction osteogenesis?
Encouraging biological process of new bone formation where bones are separated by incremental traction
- Simultaneous lengthening of soft tissues
- Osteotomy → latent period → distraction phase → consolidation phase