CF- Reith Special Needs Flashcards
What are characteristics of ideal sedative agent?
- Predictable in its Action
- Painless in Administration
- Immediate Onset
- Entirely Pleasant to the Patient
- No side effects
- Immediate Recovery on Demand
- Amnesia for the Duration
- Profound Anxiolysis
- Inexpensive
What are characteristics of N2O?
- Sweet smelling, non irritant colourless gas
- Natually occurring
- Produces analgesia
- Weak anaesthetic
- Low blood gas solubility
- Drug of abuse
- Engine performance enhancer
- Greenhouse gas
What are effects of inhalation sedation?
- Sedation
- Anxiolysis
- Mood alteration
- Euphoria
- Analgesia
What is MAC?
Alveolar concentration needed to prevent movement in 50% of pts in response to pain (High MAC = low potency)
What are indications for N2O?
- Anxious adults and children
- Needle phobia
- Gag reflex
- Medically compromised
- Unpleasant procedure (alternative to GA)
- To improve LA success
What are contraindications for N2O?
- Uncooperative/uncommunicative pt
- Blocked airway
- Serious pulmonary disease
- Recent eye/ear/GI surgery
- Recent head injury
- First trimester of pregnancy
- Serious psychological disorders
What are advantages of inhaled sedation?
- Non-invasive
- Drug level easily altered or disocontinued
- Excreted via lungs with rapid recovery
- Some analgesia
- Gag reflex obtunded
What are disadvantages of N2O?
- Technique dependent
- Requires pyscholoigcal support
- Variable amnesia
- Route of administration close to operating site
- Nitrous oxide pollution
How to minimise N2O pollution?
- Active scavenging systems
- Good ventilation
- Floor level extractor fans
- Good mask seal
- Minimise pt talking
- Use of rubber dam
- Equipment readily checked
- 100% O2 at end of procedure
How to monitor pt having N2O?
- Assess level of consciousness (verbal response)
- Airway patency
- Respiration
- Skin colour
- Capillary refill
- Pulse rate
- Rhythm and volume
How to administer N2O?
- 10% N2O for 1 min, then 20%
- Further increments of 5% per min until adequately sedated
- Averalge flow 5-7L/min
- Usualy dose range 20-50% N2O
- 100% O2 at end of procedure
What are signs of N2O sedation?
- Pt awake with verbal communication
- Pt relaxed and comfortable
- Pulse, BP, RR WNL
- Reduced blink rate
- Mouth remains open on request
- Protective reflexes are maintained (cough)
- Gag reflex reduced
- Decreased response to painful stimuli
- General decrease in movements
What are symptoms of N2O sedation?
- Relaxed, comfortable
- Pain severity decreased
- Paraesthesua/tingling in fingers/toes
- Lethargy
- Euphoria
- Detachment
- Warmth (vasodilation)
- Indifference to passage of time
What are features of oversedation?
Persistent mouth closing
Spontaneous mouth breathing
Pt complains of unpleasant feelings
Lack of cooperation
What to check before discharge of pt having N2O?
- Assess fitness to leave
- Ask if they feel okay to leave
- Walk and balance unaided
- Written post-sedation instructions
- Clinical records
What are indications for IV sedation?
- Anxiety
- Conditions made worse by anxiety (angina, asthma)
- To prevent dental phobia
- To avoid GA
- Special needs
What are advantages of IV sedation?
- Rapid sedation
- Good pt cooperation
- Amnesia
What are disadvantages of IV sedation?
- Respiratory depression
- Disinhibition effects
- Post operative supervision required
What are referral criteria for IV sedation?
- ASA I or II
- Good airway
- No allergies to benzos
- BMI <40
- Age >16 (caution > 65)
- Suitable escort and carer available
- Able to consent
- Able to communicate during tx
- Not pregnacnt
- No movement disorders that would compromise safe dental tx
- Able to tolerate cannulation
- Recreational drug use may influence tx
Why is midazolam a common IV and oral sedation agent? What is the reversal agent?
- Wide safety margin
- Reversal agent- Flumazenil
What are actions of benzos?
- Anxiolytic
- Sedative
- Amnesia
- Central muscle relaxant
- Respiratory depression
- Anticonvulsant
- Disinhibition
What are post sedation instructions for IV sedation?
- No driving
- Escort for 8 hours
- Not to sign important documents
- Not to use machinery
- No alcohol
- Tx information