Week 7 - Prisms, Bifocals and PALs Flashcards
What is a prism dioptre?
1 prism dioptre gives a displacement of 1 cm at 100cm
What is the effect of prisms?
Light bends towards the base
Image towards the apex
for e.g.
Exotropia – prescribe BO to shift image in
what about if we prescribe 3^ BU and 4^BI?
What is the Prentice’s rule?
Prism = Decentration (cm) x power (D)
e.g. how much prism induced by +5.00D lens if we decentre the lens 4mm?
== 0.4cm x 5D = 2^
Prismatic effects of lens decentration
Prismatic effects of cyl lens decentration
E.g. of Prentice’s Rule
What if you move the lens up or down
What if you have both base up
What if you have both lenses decentred temporally?
Inducing prismatic effect by looking away from the centre
R lens sitting 15mm higher than pupil centre
RE) 1.5cm x 2 = 3^ BD
LE) 1.5cm x 7 = 10.5^ BD
Total = Prism effect in the same direction
10.5 - 3 = 7.5^ BDL.
The image in the LE is 7.5^ higher than RE
What is DPE
Differential prismatic effect = difference between prism induced away from the pupil centre of the eye
Anisometropia: Difference between the eye’s prescription >1D
Antimetropia: One eye myopic and the other hyperopic
DPE example
Frame depth of 48mm and pupil height of 38mm (14mm above geometrical centre). Calculate amount of prism if lenses were fitted on datum
Prism in the same vertical direction ==>subtract the difference
DPE tolerances
Differential prism = different eye rotation to maintain binocular vision and avoid diplopia
Max vertical differential prism tolerable for long periods 2^
Emsley said 1^