Week 7: Influencing & Persuading Others Flashcards
Evualtions of ourselves and others, which drives our interaction and expression in the world. Expressing the relationship
Why are attitudes of interest to social psychologists?
Attitudes are changed by…
Persuasion, or changing behaviour.
ABC’s of social psychology
Affect, behaviours and cognition
Attitude consistency: The principle of attitude consistency
Changes to the attitude will likely cause the rest of the ABC’s to follow. Attitude changes mean behaviour and cognitive changes.
Attitude objects
social psychologists reserve the term attitude to refer to our relatively enduring evaluation of something, where the something is called the attitude object. The attitude object might be a person, a product, or a social group
Where are attitudes constructed?
-Genetically inherited
-Imparted through direct and personal experience
-Indirect experience through media and friends.
Some attitudes are shared and some are not.
Attitude strength
-How quickly it comes to mind, think the IAT.
-Also, how often it is used, cognitively accessible.
-Direct experience.
-Self-concept. Literally the entire chapter for memory.
How do our attitudes guide behaviour?
The theory of planned behaviour: Attitude and behaviour relationship
a) Attitude towards behaviour
b) Subjective norms
c) Perceived behaviour control (self efficacy belief)
This model is particularly effective for dietary and physical health habits.
Attitudes predict behaviour well when…
-The attitude and behaviour both occur in similar social situations
-The same components of the attitude (either affect or cognition) are accessible when the attitude is assessed and when the behavior is performed.
-Attitudes are specific, rather than general. (self concept?)
-Low self-monitor (not driven by a self conscious desire to belong in society)
Changing attitudes through persuasion
Persuasion is effective communication
Effective communication is…
Effective message
Relevant and receptable recipient.
Expert communicator traits
Self-confidence and those who develop a positive association
Quickly and confidently, discounts any arousal of counterargument
What is the sleep effect?
Someone who we perceive to be an untrustworthy communicator, we often select their information and attempt to discount it from our minds. Unfortunately, this means we unconsciously retrieve it repeatedly and as a result remember it more than the information we’d like to believe. We detach the content from the source, in our attempts to forget.
Effective process
Get their attention
Understand it
Accept it
Apply it to their self-concept
Two types of message processing
Spontaneous, often uses affective meaning to persuade. Other names include; peripherally or heuristically
Thoughtful, often uses cognitive elaboration to persuade or remember. Other names include; centrally or systematically
Cognitive dissonance and our need for closure is spontaneous message processing
Quick, fast and affective. Our memory capacity is already full. They create an emotional response. Personal anecdotes.
Fearful messages, however, have the capacity to create such an aversion that action is also avoided. Unless self efficacy is already strong, it is good to offer plans for action.
Thoughtful message processing
Careful consideration, and whether it matches with what you’ve come to know. Often takes more effort to consider.