Week 7- cranial nerves Flashcards
Arises from the olfactory epithelium
filaments pass through the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone
shortest of the cranial nerves
Olfactory nerve (cranial nerve I)
Loss of function=
anosmia= lack of olfaction or less os steel
Hyposmia= decreases
Olfactory nerve (cranial nerve I)
Starts at retina
Optic nerve pass through the optic canals and converge at the optic chiasm
Continues to thalamus as optic tracts where they synapse
Optic radiation fibers run to the visual cortex
Retina, optic nerve, optic chiasm, optic tracts, thalamus, optic radiation, visual cortex
Comes off diencephalon (CNS)
Myelinated by oligodendrocytes
Covered with the 3 CNS meninges (dura, arachnoid, Pia)
Can’t regenerate
Only sensory (visual info to the brain)
Afferent of pupillary reflex (efferent is on another nerve)
Optic Nerve (cranial nerve II)
Loss of function= blindness
Optic Nerve (cranial nerve II)
what is the flow of the optic nerve?
Retina, optic nerve, optic chiasm, optic tracts, thalamus, optic radiation, visual cortex
can the optic nerve regernate?
Can’t regenerate
Afferent of pupillary reflex (efferent is on another nerve)
Optic Nerve (cranial nerve II)
Raises eyelid and moves eyeball
Constricts iris (color part of eye- parasympathetic function)
carries parasympathetic fibers
Controls pupil restriction; efferent of pupil reflex (carries info out)
Innervates the eyeball muscles
Oculomotor (cranial nerve III)
Loss of function: Loss of function= down and out syndrome (superior oblique and lateral rectus muscle take over); aka one eye is closed
Unpaired only happens in cranial nerve 3
Oculomotor (cranial nerve III)
Down and out= 3 words= cranial nerve 3
dropping eyelid (weak elevator palpebrase superiors muscle)
Goes to superior oblique muscle
Smallest cranial nerve
Only cranial nerve that exits dorsal brain stem
Moves eye down and out when working alone
Trochlear (cranial nerve IV)
Loss of function= double vision (diplopia); patients will tilt their head to try to fix the visual field
Trochlear (cranial nerve IV)
Comes off pons
Sensory and motor
3 divisons:
ophtalmic (V1-sensory only)
maxillary (V2-sensory only)
mandibular (V3 sensory, supplies chewing muscles, and pain to anterior 2/3rd of tongue)
Largest of cranial nerve (basically whole face)
Trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V)
Loss of function= loss of sensation, muscle paralysis on one side which leads to the jaw deviates to the paralyzed side
Trigeminal neuraligia= neuropathic disorder with severe pain in V1 and V2
Trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V)
Trigeminal neuraligia= neuropathic disorder with severe pain in what crabches
V 1 and 2