Week 6 Flashcards
primary amenorrhea eval:
first step:
if above is normal, next step?
US/does patient have uterus?
check FSH
total T4 _____;
free T4 _____;
TSH _____
total increases;
free = unchanged/mild inc;
TSH decreases
congenital defects:
____ is characterized by holosystolic murmur LLSB
____ = fixed split S2
Hep C/pregnancy:
is C-section indicated?
can you breastfeed?
no (doesn’t help);
yes (unless nipple bleeding)
modality of choice for diagnosing pyloric stenosis????
ultrasound my dude
which IUD should not be used in a patient with hypermenorrhea?
what medication can be used to help with passage of a kidney stone?
in addition to alpha 2 agonists, what drugs can be used to treat tourettes?
antipsychoticds eg risperidone
how long is an adequate trial of an antidepressant?
at least 6 weeks on effective dose
2 causes of painless vaginal bleeding in pregnancy? which typically is associated with rapid deteriroation of the fetus?
placenta previa and vasa previa;
vasa previa = bad for fetus
the active phase of labor begins at ____ cm dilation. general first step of protracted active labor?
____ ____ is characterized by subepidermal cleavage , creating tense bullae. The oral mucosa (is/is not) usually involved
bullous pemphigoid;
is not
ototoxicity from chemotherapy is typically (unilateral/bilateral/both)
can be both (eg uni or bi)
hypothyroid (does/does not) cause an increase in CK.
Cushing’s (dose/does not) cause an increasing
hypothyroid = does cause inc; cushing = does not
in patients in DKA, where do the excessive ketones come from?
FA breakdown in liver
first line treatment of bartholin gland abscess?
I and D
name three tocolytics
indomethacin, nifedipine, terbutaline
Indo=preferred < 32 weeks
Nifedipine = after
OCPs reduce the risk of what 2 cancers?
endometrial, ovarian