Week 1 Flashcards
what is used as MAC prophylaxis in HIV patients?
azithromycin (CD4 < 50)
most common predisposing factor for acute bacterial sinusitis?
viral URI
early decels on fetal heart tracing is associated with
fetal head compression
late decels on fetal heart tracing is associated with what?
uteroplacental insufficiency
variable decels on fetal heart tracing is associated with what?
cord compression
classic triad of congenital rubella
PDA, sensorineural deafness, cataracts
BNP has a high level of _____ (Sens or spec) in the diagnosis of CHF wheras clinical signs such as an S3 have a high level of ______ in diagnosis
methanol vs ethanol poisoning:
____ damages the eyes;
______ damanges the kidneys
newborn conjunctivitis:
presents early (First few days) =
watery discharge?
treated with IM ceftriaxone?
treat confirmed chlamydia with _____
treat confirmed gonorrhea with _______
azithromycin + ceftriaxone
empiric treatment is azith + ceft
a mallory weiss tear is due to a tear of what?
GE junction mucosa
transudate or exudate?
low LDH?
high protein?
what condition causes diastolic collapse and elevated RV filling pressures?
cardiac tampanode
calcitonin is a marker of what thyroid cancer?
case control vs cohort:
_____ studies determine the outcome first and look for associated risk factors. _____ studies ascertain risk factor exposure and determine the outcome
case control;
cohort (Retrospective)
first step in management of congenital diaphragmatic hernia?
intubation (followed by naso or orogastric tube)
bullous pemphigoid vs pemphigous vulgaris:
flaccid bullae ?
linear IgG at basement membrane?
mucosal lesions?
pemphigus vulg;
bullous pemph;
pemphigous vul