week 6 Flashcards
the oral cavity in the older adult
-soft tissue atrophy & epithelium thins
-decreased salivary production
-tissues ulcerate easily which increases risk of infection
-dental changes (missing teeth or dentures)
-medication side effects (dry mouth→infection)
abdomen assessment technique
- inspection
- auscultation
- percussion
- palpation (light & deep)
palpate last to not stimulate peristalsis
pt position for examination of abdomen
supine, arms at side, & knees slightly flexed
five F’s for distended abdomens
what quadrant do we auscultate first and why?
RLQ bc peristalsis is most active in RLQ then we move clockwise
absent bowel sound
No BS for 5 minutes
cant eat
hypoactive bowel sound
<5 per minute
active (normoactive) bowel sound
5-30 per minute
hyperactive bowel sound
> 30 per minute
very loud and grumbly
abdominal guarding
abdominal muscles tense up when palpating which can indicate peritonitis or ruptured appendicitis
rebound tenderness
pain upon removal of pressure rather than application of pressure can indicate peritonitis and/or appendicitis
normal amount of bowel movements per week
which medication slows peristalsis (constipation)
what are hemorrhoids
veins in the lining of the rectum become permanently dilated and engorged with blood
natural defecation position
anorectal angle (squatting)
normal urine output in one hour
what is nocturia and hematuria?
nocturia = increased frequency of urination
hematuria = blood in urine
overflow & example
caused by pressure inside the bladder
ex: men dribbling
pregnant women & sneezing
bladder oversensitive from infection
functional & example
all structures aren’t working
stroke pt not realizing they are peeing
clean-voided or midstream
-cleanse before peeing
-pee first and then in cup
urinalysis used for what?
detect and manage a wide range of disorders, such as urinary tract infections, kidney disease and diabetes
looks at appearance
urine culture used to collect what?
bacteria or other germs in a urine sample
24 hr urine collection used to collect what?
-1st one gets dumped
-measures whats in your urine & check kidney function
3 components of fluid balance
- fluid intake & absorption
- fluid distribution
- fluid output
what is the most accurate assessment of fluid balance?
daily weigths
1oz = _____ mL
urine measuring devices (5)
- hat
- urinal
- emesis bin
- graduated cylinder
- specimen cup