week 5 Flashcards
normal respiration
12-20 bpm
where are the lungs located posteriorly?
C-7 to T-10
where are the lungs located anteriorly?
from the apices in the supraclavicular area down to the 6th rib
3 types of breath sounds in normal adults
bronchial (B) = trachea & larynx
bronchovesicular (BV) = over the major bronchi where few alveoli located
vesicular (V) = over peripheral lung fields where air flows through smaller bronchioles & alveoli
does palpating systolic bp only measure systolic?
where is the apex and base of the lungs?
apex = top
base = bottom
where is the apex and base of the heart?
apex = bottom
base = top
heart sounds: S₁ (“LUB”)
-first heart sound
-signals start of systole
-closure of AV valves cause sound
-loudest at the apex of the heart
heart sounds: S₂ (“DUB”)
-second heart sound
-signals start of diastole
-closure of semi-lunar valves cause sound
-loudest at the base of the heart
measuring apical pulse location
5th ICS, MCL (apex of heart
listen for S₁ & S₂ at the mitral area
is the point of maximal impulse ausculated or palpated?
4th or 5th intercostal space, MCL
concept of perfusion
relates to the ability of the cardiovascular system to pump freshly oxygenated blood to the tissues & return deoxygenated blood to lungs
different arterial pulse locations
-post tibial
-dorsalis pedis
scale grade for pulses
3+ = full, bounding
2+ = normal
1= weak
0 = absent
what is arteriosclerosis
restricts blood flow
how to check capillary refill & normal finding time?
-depress & blanch nail bed
-less than 2 seconds
what is edema?
areas of skin that become swollen and looks shiny & stretched
how long do we palpate for edema?
5 seconds over the tibia or medial malleolous
scale to grade pitting edema, 1-4+
1+ = mild pitting, slight indentation, no swelling in the leg
2+ = moderate pitting, subside rapidly
3+ = deep pitting, indentation remains for a short time
4+ = very deep pitting, indentation lasts a long time