Week 5- The Big Picture: Coaching Structure & Wellness Fundamentals Flashcards
8 Parts of Impactful, Ongoing Sessions
- Connect with client & inquire about their current state
- Check in on client’s progress
- Invite the client to choose the focus
- EXPLORE the topic
- Goals, Action Steps, & Adjustments
- Discover & reflect the client’s learning aha moments
- Give appreciation
- Ask for feedback
8 Parts of Impactful, Ongoing Sessions
1- Connect & Inquire
- Re-connect with the client at the start of each and every session
- Ask the client about their current state
- Start with asking what is going well, as this generates good energy
8 Parts of Impactful, Ongoing Sessions
2- Check-in on Client’s Progress
Did the client complete prior commitments or action steps?
• YES > celebrate!
• NO > embrace the learning opportunity
If it was a NO, are the action steps still a fit?
• YES > re-commit
• NO > adjust, or toss & make a new one
Opportunity to deepen the client’s awareness
• Listen & ask powerful questions
8 Parts of Impactful, Ongoing Sessions
3- Invite Client to Choose Focus
Assist client in identifying the topic of focus for this session
- How does this fit with the overall wellness vision & goals?
- More than 1 possible topic? NARROW IT DOWN, may refer to prep forms
- What feels important? Notice energy and sensations
- Ask questions and provide reflections
- Once the topic is chosen
- ask permission to explore
- use AI and MI to get more specific
- consider stages of change
8 Parts of Impactful, Ongoing Sessions
4- Explore the topic
The heart of coaching
• Leads to client insight, breakthrough, or new
8 Parts of Impactful, Ongoing Sessions
5- Goals, Action Steps & Adjustments
• Establish or refine SMART goals
• Co-create action steps for the current week
• Adjust the plan if needed
• Change is not always linear! (Miller & Rollnick, p. 203)
“The only real failure is not trying it in the first place. Every
failure is just another learning opportunity, giving your client
more information about how to refine the process.”
8 Parts of Impactful, Ongoing Sessions
6- Discover & Reflect Learning
- Ask the client to voice their new self-awareness
• Speaking out loud not only shares with the coach, but
gives the client an opportunity to anchor learning
• Note client’s insights during session and reflect back
8 Parts of Impactful, Ongoing Sessions
7- Appreciation
Near the close of the session, express appreciation
for the work the client did during the session
8 Parts of Impactful, Ongoing Sessions
8- Ask for feedback
Ask for Feedback
• At end of each session, invite client to give feedback
• Did the session accomplish what they were hoping?
• Utilize feedback as tool for fine-tuning the coaching
• Client likely doesn’t have training in how to give feedback
• Ask for examples to increase clarity
• Monitor your emotional reaction; you are there for client
• Seek guidance from another professional if the feedback is emotionally upsetting
What is wellness?
- A conscious, self-directed, and evolving process of achieving full potential
- Multi-dimensional and holistic
- Positive and affirming
“Wellness is generally understood as an advanced state of health; it presupposes that we endeavor to
discover and pursue our life purpose, cultivate fulfilling relationships, engage in meaningful work,
seek work-life integration, and care for our environment”
and WHO states- Fulfillment of one’s role expectations in the family, community, workplace, place of worship, and other settings”
7- Dimensions of Wellness
o Physical o Social o Emotional o Mental o Spiritual o Occupational o Environmental
Definition of Well-being
• Includes the presence of positive emotions and moods (contentment, happiness), absence of
negative emotions (depression, anxiety), satisfaction with life, fulfillment and positive functioning.
o Positive perception that life is going well
o Fundamental conditions to well-being include
Adequate housing
Quality relationships
Positive emotions and resilience
Realization of potential
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
1- Physiological needs- food, water, warmth, rest
2- Safety needs- Security, safe
3- Belong and love- friends, intimate relationships
4- Esteem needs- Prestige, feeling of accomplishment
5- Self-actualization- achieving ones full potential
Travis Illness Wellness Continuum
o The Illness-Wellness Continuum incorporates Maslow’s concept of self-actualization
o Created in 1975 by John Travis, it’s one of 3 key wellness concepts in use today
o Shows the relationship between treatment paradigm & wellness paradigm
o Treatment paradigm stops at neutral; Wellness paradigm continues towards greater levels of wellness
o One’s orientation on the continuum is more important than their location (Are you
moving towards or away from optimum wellness?)
o A wellness stance involves high-level self-care to manage stress & emotions (No matter one’s level of symptoms or expression of disease!)
Arloski’s 10 Tenets of Wellness
- Wellness is a holistic concept.
- Self-esteem is a critical factor in change.
- Positive peer health norms encourage wellness lifestyle changes.
- Conscious living means becoming aware of all the choices we have and acting on them.
- A sense of connectedness grounds us in our lives.
- We are primarily responsible for our health.
- Increased self-sufficiency gives the confidence and power that overshadows fear.
- Time spent alone helps us to get to know ourselves better.
- You don’t have to be perfect to be well.
- Play!
Structures of Consciousness (5 levels)
Developmental model; we progress through these levels and are able to integrate aspects of each, giving us a greater sense of wholeness
Archaic Intuitive/Magical Mythical Mental Integral
Structures of Consciousness
1st level- Archaic
A sense of oneness with all that
is, with no separation between
self, environment, & creative
Structures of Consciousness
2nd level- Intuitive/Magical
Spontaneous knowing, connecting
to subtle energies, and a strong
sense of possibility
Structures of Consciousness
3rd Level: Mythical
Understanding reality
through nature,
imagery, and story
Structures of Consciousness
4th Level: Mental
Utilizes logic, scientific method, critical
thinking, and cause & effect
Structures of Consciousness
5th Level – Integral
- Includes all the other levels, yet is greater than the sum of all the parts
- Supports the development of high-level wellness
Why Health & Wellness Coaching?
• Lifestyle-related chronic disease-account for 50% of deaths
• Obesity, prediabetes, and diabetes are at epidemic levels
• The healthcare system is best for managing acute medical conditions and emergencies
• The expert approach does not always work!
o Especially for people who have low self-efficacy
Why Health & Wellness Coaching?
• Coaching is Different! Coaches are trained to:
o Help clients develop self-efficacy and autonomy
o Accept and meet clients where they are today
o Guide clients in doing mindful thinking, feeling, doing work that builds confidence
o Help clients define a higher purpose for health and well-being
o Reframe obstacles as opportunities to learn and grow
o Assist clients to tap into their own inner wisdom
o Encourage realistic goal setting
o Enable clients to build a solid support team
o Inspire and challenge clients to go beyond what they could do alone
The Power of Positivity
Barbara Frederickson identified 10 positive emotions that increase well-being o Serenity o Interest o Hope o Inspiration o Awe o Amusement o Gratitude o Joy o Pride o Love