Misc questions from study group Flashcards
Acknowledge clients’ emotions
No change is possible until and unless the unmet needs of a client are fully and respectfully recognized, expressed, and appreciated. A client’s resistance is more about the approach of the coach than the client’s readiness to change.
Coaching sympathy
Feel your pain, share your joy. It interferes with listening because it turns our attention more towards our own feelings, needs and desires than those of the other
Our needs are more than the things that we cannot live without. They represent our desires and preferences for a happier and more meaningful experience. Make requests, not demands
Evocative inquiry
True inquire comes from the framework of not assuming, not knowing the answers, and having a beginners mind
Perspective reflections
Communicate the full engagement of the coach and connect the client with the motivation to change
Involves openness to experiencing the full range of human emotions so that they are acknowledged and honored without suppression, avoidance, exaggeration, or rumination
When behaviors are driven by love, rather than fear, feeling of confidence and a sense of security are more likely to take hold
The generation of possibilities without censor, fundamental part of generative moments. Considerations:
• Enable the client to develop creative approaches and best plans before implementation
• Tone is positive supporting creativity and self-regulation
• Perceptive listening
• Client is in driver’s seat
To be most effective with brainstorming (8)
- Clarify topic
- Clarify output or what’s being generated
- Defer judgment
- Encourage bold, even wild ideas
- Build on what others say
- Be visual and specific
- Go for quantity
- Do it fast
Connect FOCUS to multiple dimensions of the client’s life. CONSIDERATIONS:
- Want clients’ intentions and interests to manifest in various ways
- Root the dream/focus/goal in clients’ past successes, strengths, and core values
- Use imagery/visualization to support the client in looking into the future and imagining
- Choices and options increase motivation and autonomy
• Meta-view (define)
A tool used to explore big picture or expanded perspective
o Symbolic vies from high-above, panoramic perspective
o Helpful tool when a client is uncertain what to do next
Interrupt and redirect
- Use with caution
- Ask what would you like to use the session for? What would be of most value for us to focus on?
- Excuse me for interrupting, what I am hearing si that there are a lot of things on your mind. So I can best support you, would you help me to understand what most meaningful and important for us to focus on in our time together?
Focus and refocus the conversation (5)
- Closed-ended questions
- Interrupt and redirect
- Bottom-lining
- Scaling questions
- Ask the client to summarize the topic
Scaling questions
• Useful for the exploration of motivation to change
• Enables clients to think out loud and quantify qualitative topics that are hard to pin down
o Readiness to change
o Willingness to change
o Ability to change
• Ask
o On a scale of 1-10…
o What led you to not pick a lower number?
Scaling questions
• Useful for the exploration of motivation to change
• Enables clients to think out loud and quantify qualitative topics that are hard to pin down
o Readiness to change
o Willingness to change
o Ability to change
• Ask
o On a scale of 1-10…
o What led you to not pick a lower number?
Ask the client to summarize the topic when..
• When the client appears to be jumping from one topic to another without any particular focus or direction, a summarization can help the client to decide which topic is most important
• They can be used throughout a conversation but are particularly useful at transition points or at the end of a session
• Asking…
o We have uncovered a bit here, how would you like to summarize this?
o How would you summarize our session?
Connect multiple dimensions of client’s life
o Generate insights
o Deepens awareness
o Builds intimacy with the coaching relationship
If a client expresses ambivalence, it Is useful to include both sides of the summary statement. On the one hand…on the other hand
• 4 types of change statements
o Problem recognition- my use has gotten a little out of hand at times
o Concern- if I don’t stop something bad is going to happen
o Intent to change- I’m going to do something, I’m just not sure what it is yet
o Optimism- I know I can get a handle on this problem
Evoking Change Talk
• Evocative/powerful questions
o What worries you about your current situation?
o Why would you want to make this change?
• Importance or confidence ruler
o On a scale of -10 how important is it for you to make this change?
o Tell me about being at x compared to lover number? What would it take to move from x to a higher number?
• Exploring extremes
o What concerns you most about…?• Evocative/powerful questions
o What worries you about your current situation?
o Why would you want to make this change?
• Importance or confidence ruler
o On a scale of -10 how important is it for you to make this change?
o Tell me about being at x compared to lover number? What would it take to move from x to higher number?
• Exploring extremes
o What concerns you most about…?
Responding to change talk: Open questions
• Invites the client to think a bit before responding
• Examples
o How do you hope I might be able to help you?
o How has this affected your day-to-day life?
o Where do you think that this path you’re on is leading you?
o What would you say are the five things you value the most in life?
Open Questions Best Practices
• A simple rhythm in MI is to ask open ended questions and then reflect what the client says
o 2-3 reflections per question
o The more questions you ask, the more you limits the clients exploration
o The more reflections you offer, the more you invite the client to consider and explore
• Avoid asking multiple questions in a row
• Avoid closed questions masquerading as open
• Avoid chaining together a string of closed questions
• Avoid “do you” or “why” and chose more what, where, how, questions
5 Stages of Change
Precontemplation- Wont/cant next 6 mths Contemplation- I may next 6 months Preparation- I will in the next month Action- I am doing now Maintenance- I have been doing for 6 mths
Operant conditioning
Focus on the relationship between behavior and its consequences
Precontemplation- I cant or wont
- Appreciate their autonomy and control of choices
- Validate good reasons for being unhealthy
- Some clients are aware but believe it is too difficult or complicated
*Express unconditional acceptance and genuine empathy
*recognize and accept clients bad behavior is the key to building trust and enhance change