Week 5: Revelation 1 - 6 Flashcards
Superscript (1:1-3) –> apocalypse in its original greek meaning means
to unveil/reveal or “part the curtains” on something
main character of revelation
Revelation is an ____ word
- Action.
- Revelation of Jesus = in what way? It is ambiguous.
- This is not a hidden revelation.
“Sent and signified it” (ch 1)
- The rest of the book is symbolic
- If you try to interpret this book literally you will run into problems
Visionary Process (What is the order of communication?)
- “Testimony of Jesus”. Gift of prophecy = a visionary experience.
- Forth-telling = to tell the people what they’re doing right and wrong. Part of the role of prophecy
What is Revelation’s stated genre? (1:3)
- Apocalyptic
- Revelation calls people out and talks about judgment
- John the disciple is a good example who called people out
Greco-Roman Letter Features of Revelation (1:4-8) (2 pts)
- Greco-roman letters always are addressed a certain way. Would have been sent as a scroll with a little bit of wax over the tied section. You had to open the scroll a little bit to see who it was from/to.
- “John to the seven churches which are in Asia….”
(1:4-8) –> In a typical greco-roman letter, you would see “Charein ‘’ at the beginning meaning:
- “rejoice”. John changed it to “Charis” . We get “charity/kindness” from this. Kindness from God. They changed it.
- “Charis” + “Eirene” means peace in Greek = Grace and peace from God.
John believed grace came from
“Him who is, and was, and is to come” (ch 1)
John makes a grammatical mistake with pronouns. Should be “is coming” which is more active.
Jesus themes & symbolism (card 1)
- “He loves us” means he cares. “Washed us of our sins in his own blood” which comes up a lot w/ blood and Jesus’s blood.
- Sacrifice mentioned = altar of sacrifice
1. Sheds blood
2. Symbol of resurrection
Resurrection is tied to what as a symbol
- water
- This new life = baptism and water
- Baptism = to submerge
Themes in Revelation 1, and Pictures of Jesus
- He is a sacrificial lamb
- First born from the dead (resurrected)
- Jesus is a kingmaker
- “He loves us”
Excursus: The Lord’s Day (1:10)
- “In the spirit” = in a vision
- Happens on “The Lord’s Day”. Others will argue that it is sabbath or Sunday…
- Brant says “The Lord’s Day” = “The Day of the Lord” = the day in which God would come to judge the nations.
- An experience over time. A nod to the old testament.
Hearing vs. Seeing Pattern in Revelation (1:10-12)
- Sometimes in revelation it is heard (audition) or seen (vision)
- “Voice behind me like a trumpet” = sees seven lampstands, and “one like the son of man”
- John is told from the beginning to interpret these visions symbolically
John hears a voice = turns and sees something different.
We will see this repeated.
What John sees vs what he hears is sometimes different. Give two examples of this…
- Hears lion + sees lamb
- Hears trumpets + sees quiet priest.
Vision of “one like a Son of Man” (1:12-20)
- Language of the priestly garments + candlesticks present
- Robe is probably a blue robe not white = symbol of law of God
- He has done the work of sacrifice and washing (death + resurrection)
- Moving into the holy place to intercede
- Lamps = light of the church in the world.
Seven-featured structure of each of the seven churches
- Each have a part that says “to the angel of the church …”
- Each have a picture of Jesus from chapter one
- I know your deeds
- Accusation section. All except two.
- Call to repentance
- A promise to the overcomers
- Call to hear what the spirit says to the churches
“To the angel of the church…”
= Messenger. maybe not an angel, but a literal human messenger of these letters
Description of Jesus
→Each person has a different version of God that they
resonate most with
“I know”
Like a person who is an old advisor knowing stuff you they shouldn’t.
how many churches have an accusation section?
Chiastic structure
- Relates to the candlesticks
- 2nd and 6th church don’t have an accusation…but they need to persevere through persecution.
Call to hear
- All end with the same phrase
- Last four = this comes after the promises
For the test
- Know the overall structure of the 7 churches. The far left column.
- Know the basic details of one of the churches. Choose one church. Overall picture
Slippery Slope of Church Evaluation
- Churches start good and get bad “slippery slope”
- Promises given to overcomers in the churches = increase in number, until 7th church goes back to 1 promise.
- 7th church = Sit on the throne = king/queen and everything is yours. It’s worth overcoming!!
white stone represented an innocent person
Interpretations (each has support from the text) –> Preterist
We have to read these ch 2 -3 in context of 1st century churches only. Specific to them!
Historicist interprets same as futurist. Futurist: (ch 2 - 3)
- As if the churches are symbolic about the churches that have happened along history.
1. Ephesus = first century church
2. 2nd and 3rd century churches etc…
3. Many would argue that today we are Laodicea. You can’t really know until it is fulfilled. Ending just before Jesus comes
(ch 2 & 3) Idealist:
The seven churches are really individual expressions of christian piety. Like applying your life to each church.
Brant’s interpretation of chapter 2 - 3
- Preterist = sometimes it is specific to them
- Idealist = to some extent we can find individual expression
- Mostly futurist leaning. Points to specific historical churches.
Springboard texts: Rev 3:21
- Conclusion verse of the 7 churches launches us into the next chapter
- We see a major prop starting here = throne is major in 4 & 5
Seated - Someone who overcame and is worthy and takes the scroll from the throne
- How do I get to be an overcomer?
John’s Call to “Come up here!” (ch 4)
- Things “that are” = the 7 churches (ch 2 - 3)
- Then in ch. 4 he is called to see some crazy stuff
John’s Call to “Come up here!” –> Futurist says:
- “The rapture of the church”
- A symbol of the church going up to be raptured
Then world continues for 7 years, you have to repent, antichrist appears
John’s Call to “Come up here!” –> Brants interpretation:
- John’s experience alone
- Called to heaven
- “Now Imma show you whats gonna happen”
“One Seated”
- John never says God’s name cause Jewish people don’t say God’s name
- Says he has a rainbow around him = a sign of Gods promises/faithfulness
“24 Elders”
- Overall we don’t entirely know. - They might be past over comers.
“24 Elders”: white robes
Symbol of purity
“24 Elders”: what are the two types of greek crowns and which type do these elders wear?
- Stephanos = Crown worn on greco-roman art when they’re running a marathon. A laurel wreath. A symbol of victory.
- Diadema = crown studded in gold and jewels. For royalty.
- Elders wear the stephanos suggesting they have won something
two more theories about the 24 elders
- They are (a) representatives or
- (B) 2 x 12 = 24. 12 patriarchs, then 12 disciples.
- Probably not literally tho
- “Unfallen representatives”
- There is no consensus on who they are
“Four Living Creatures”
- Ezekiel ch’s 1,2,3 → Throne has wheels but they’re balls. Throne can move in any direction. Each 4 corners has these exact creatures.
- Cherubim angels !
- REV: These are angels who are on the throne itself.
- Throne = is a high raised platform so u can fit a lot of people on it
Faces of the four living creatures: Lion, Ox, Eagle, Man.
- Wild, domestic, air, all creatures = all animals represent rulership
- Each creature has four faces
Activities around the throne: Bowing
Greek = to kiss towards. Showing them great honor.
Activities around the throne: Worshiping
cultural ramifications, and it takes different forms
Activities around the throne: Holiness
set apart for a purpose. Specialness.
24 elders fall down and worship →
- Main reason “one on throne” is worshiped = because he created all things
- Gives him authority
Ch. 5: The Lamb and Sealed Scroll
- Right hand = clean hand, set apart
- Left hand = poo poo hand
Seven-sealed Scroll
- Either a law or a covenant
- A will = a type of covenant. Makes the most sense that John is talking about a will or testament of God/Jesus.
- A will = contains the names of the ones who inherit
- Worse scenario than someone not having their name in a will → not having the will opened. Its why john cries about the scroll not being opened initially.
John’s Reaction abt the 7 sealed scroll not being opened at first
- He weeps because he doesn’t even know if he’ll have eternal life
- “Do I survive??”
Lion/Lamb (hearing/seeing contrast)
John hears the lion of the tribe of Judah has overcome → then he sees a lamb
A blessing story
- Tells Judah he will be like a lion → King david offspring of Judah exemplifies a lion
- Everyone (the Jewish people) wants Messiah to be a lion like David → destroying
- But Jesus dies like a sacrificial lamb
Takes the scroll
He has seven horns and seven eyes = numbers of perfection
Theme: Praise and Worship in Revelation 4 and 5
- Father is worthy because he created
- Lamb is worthy of praise because he saved people
- Everyone should rest because of creation
- Then you should rest and give other people rest
- Heart of the 10: remember you were created and that you were saved.
- Thats the kind of praise
Number of Praise Attributes for God and the Lamb
- Verse 12 has 7 descriptive praise words
- It is a lot of worship
Key Motives for worship:
- Creation
- Redemption
1st Seal (6:1, 2)
- White: Purity. Doing what God called him to do. A good creature.
- Crown: Stephanos (Laurel wreath, victory)
- Bow + conquering
1st Seal (6:1, 2) (CONT)
- Bow: The partheons. Enemies of the Roman empire, who rode horses with bows.
- Described what happened with the very early church and Rome
- Christians blamed for the burning of Rome
- Christianity was overturning Rome
- Change of Roman belief was its downturn
- Conquering: Same word used with churches. Actually “overcoming”.
2nd Seal (6:3, 4) “red” =
- “Pooraus” this horse is on fire. Fiery.
- More representative of Rome
2nd Seal (6:3, 4) Sword:
- Sword/Peace: Matthew Ch. 10:34 → Your message will not bing peace. It could divide your family.
- If you follow God’s plan it could be dangerous
- When Rome gets ransacked → Fires of persecution are kindled
- Rome’s response was to burn people
- Niero covered Christians in oil and burned them = Fires = fiery horse
3rd Seal (6:5, 6) Black:
Color of corruption
3rd Seal (6:5, 6) Balance Scale:
- Symbol of monetary exchange so we can have a balanced exchange
- If you use false scales, then you will have it used against you
- If you judge others, you will be judged the same
- You do good, get good
- Karma lol
3rd Seal (6:5, 6) Price of wheat/barley:
- 1 denarius = a day’s wages
- Enough to live for one day
- That means its really expensive or scales are rigged
- Wheat = the word
3rd Seal (6:5, 6) This is the horse of corruption & famine:
- The word is hard to get
- Persecution = God saves them out of it.
- The church grew out of persecution
3rd Seal (6:5, 6) Rome really said “No one can have a bible” in what “age”
The Dark Ages
3rd Seal (6:5, 6) Oil and wine:
- Holy spirit
- Lords supper
4th Seal (6:7, 8) Pale/Green:
- Its a green horse.
- When the word is taken away from the church it begins to die
- This is the color of a dead body
4th Seal (6:7, 8). Death (Hades): In Greek hebrew thinking it is a grave
A dead body in a grave
4th Seal (6:7, 8). Sword, Famine, Pestilence, and Beasts: power only over a fraction
- These four powers are the covenant curses God said he would bring upon Israel if they forgot God
- “I will withdraw my protective power and you will be left to protect yourself” - God
- So keep my ways
- Describes Christian experience
5th Seal (6:9-11). Slain Souls:
- People who died in persecution
- What is a soul? A body with life breathed into it.
- A soul is a person
5th Seal (6:9-11). Altar: of sacrifice:
- Alter is supposed to contain the blood of a creature
- Your soul/blood is under that alter in death
5th Seal (6:9-11). Judge and Avenge:
- When more have died we can stop
- Then he’ll avenge
- White Robe and Rest…?