Week 3: Daniel 8 - 12 Flashcards
Daniel 8: language
We switch back to Hebrew now
dan 8: 3rd year of Belshazzar
- When this chapter happens → provides an important setting for vision because babylon is about to fall.
- Only have two creatures, and some horns. So it doesn’t exactly fit with ch. 2 and 7
“I, Daniel” (ch. 8)
…had a similar dream to the one i had before in ch 7
Hazone = hebrew word. A vivid dream, or vision in the middle of the day.
Locating Daniel: Dan 8:2 (in his goat vs ram vision)
- In susa in the province of elam.
- In modern day Iran, near the capital of the Persian empire. Not in Babylon.
- He had maybe even been there before IRL.
- Persia is the centerpiece of this vision. Not Babylon.
A Ram: Dan 8:3-4
- Rams and goats are used for sacrifice (jewish audience would know this)
- Rams and goats are not daily sacrifices, or sin offerings.
- Old daily sacrifices = lamb
- Rams and goats were used once a year. In Hebrew day of atonement.
Spring = Nisan/Passover
- If no lamb blood, every first born died (the story it originated from)
- Unleavened bread = no bread thats been risen w/ baking powder etc
- 50 days after passover, Pentecost. Celebrated going up mt. sinai giving the 10 commandments. Creation of the law.
Summer = Tishri. feast of trumpets
Beginning of the year.
Yom kippur = day of atonement.
- Tearful. They would be cut off if they didn’t atone.
- didn’t have to go to Jerusalem right away. They would ask if they had wronged anyone.
- Atonement goat = leave goat to die in the wilderness.
- Then there is a huge celebration
- These two animals and this chapter are integral to ideas of sacrifice and atonement
Feast of booths = 1 wk
- sometimes called tabernacles. Made lean-to’s and would camp around Jerusalem. Would party for a week.
- All jewish males had to travel to Jerusalem for celebrations
Two horns (goat and ram vision)
- One came up later, but got longer.
- May represent the Medes and the Persians
- Babylon is irrelevant in this
“West, north, South” (ch. 8)
Exactly the three directions the Persians conquered under Cyrus
A goat: Dan 8:5-5
- From the west = Probably relative to Babylon (Persia to Babylon)
- Not touching the ground,,,So hes flying?? Parallels with the leopard w/ 4 wings
One conspicuous horn
- Alexander the great
- Four conspicuous horns
- Leopard with 4 heads parallel → the 4 generals
A new horn: Dan 8:6-12
- Gender language comes in here. In the language as a whole. Relates to Hebrew and pronoun use. The “them” is feminine. Winds is feminine.
- The horn grows out from one of the winds. Grows up outside Greece. From one of the four winds of heaven.
- This little horn becomes the strongest. It does the same thing as the 4th beast
Horizontal/political campaigns (ch. 8)
- To the East, south, and the beautiful land (Palestine)
- Rome is what fits best with this little horn. Takes over med-persia, Palestine, Babylon.
- Horizontal = earthly kingdom that conquers
Vertical/spiritual campaigns (ch. 8)
Spiritual campaign as well as an earthly one
Sanctuary and sacrificial language
- Throws the sanctuary down
- Tries to be better than the army of the lord
- Leader would claim to be equal to Jesus christ on earth = this is what popes claim
- Temple lies desolate → sacrificial system will be taken down.
Angelic Q&A: Dan 8:13-14
- How long = 2300 evenings mornings.
- Sanctuary restoration after these 2300
2,300 evening-morning
- Gen. ch. 1 → When god creates the world, he says in the evening and the morning = one day.
- This is a prophetic way of speaking about time.
- Sanctuary system = use this way of speaking about time as well.
Nitzdak/tsaddik meaning
Many meanings → Cleanse, reconciliation.
Who is Gabriel?
An angel
March for the “time of the end” (ch. 8)
The vision concerns the time of the end.
Mareh meaning
- Time of the end
- Refers specifically to the 2300 evening morning
- This vision takes us to the end of things. Long range prophesy. Prophetic time.
Interpretation of Ram and Goat: Dan 8:18-22 … Ram =
Kings of medes and persia
kingdom of greece
First horn
first king of greece / Alexander the great
Four horns
four kingdoms emerging from the Greek kingdom, but wont be as strong as alexander the great
Interpretation of little horn: Dan 8:23-25 –> A king of intrigue
Will destroy who is mighty. Takes a stand against the prince of powers. Concerns the distant future. Daniel has no idea what he saw
Magnify himself (the little horn)
- He takes all the attention to himself
- Broken without human agency = Broken not from people (Heavenly wrath)
Daniels response to the mareh
- 2300 thing → daniel has no clue. He layed in bed for a while.
- Ends with a question.
Daniel 9: Israels Repentance and the Messiah:
In the time of the new king. A different Darius than from the lion’s den.
Temporal marker: dan 9
First year of his reign.
Jeremiah’s prophesy: Dan 9:2-3
- Read these on your own. That Israel would be in captivity.
- Isaiah 44:24-45:7
- Jeremiah 25:1 - 14
Daniel’s prayer of repentance: Dan 9:4-19
- After reading Jeremiah he prays this. A long prayer.
- We have broken commandments, been sinners, etc.
Solomon’s prayer in 2 chronicles 6:36-39
- Daniel is fulfilling this prayer
- Solomon saw ahead and thought about the future of his people after the temple was built.
- Daniel is praying this prayer “on the other side” of Solomon’s prayer
Gabriel comes: Dan 9:20 - 21
- Gabriel only shows up at the birth of jesus and in ch. 8 & 9
- This chapter is about the coming of the Messiah
- Seems like this is Gabriel’s job → to tell people about Messiah
Links to Dan 8
- Same guy in ch. 8 (Gabriel)
- Same time sequences
Evening offering
Mentioned specifically → calls back to ch. 8
Verse 23 “vision”
Mareh = About the end times (yet again)
Seventy “sevens”
“For your people to give an end to transgressions”
2 chronicles 36:21
Last few verses → god sent Israel into captivity cause the land needed to rest
List of purposes for the 70 “sevens” (things jews had to do but actually jesus does these)
- Put an end to sin
- To atone for wickedness
- To bring in everlasting righteousness
- To seal up the vision and
- the prophecy
- To anoint the most holy place
Decree to restore Jerusalem
- Decree → 7 sevens (49 years) → 62 sevens (434) → Messiah shows up
- So we’re gonna have 49 + 434 yrs till Messiah shows up
Sabbatical year
- The jews took off a year every 7 years. So the 8th year there was nothing planted. This was good ecology too.
- In exile for 70 years so that the land could enjoy its sabbath → sabbatical year had not been kept leading up to this.
After going back to the land of Israel
- they start rebuilding the temple.
- 3 different decrees by various kings. Only 1 decree got the temple rebuilt = 457 BC is when that decree went out.
- So 49 years later, the temple is rebuilt. Good news!
Messiah the prince: dan 9:25
- Messiah means = anointed one.
- Kings, prophets, were anointed
- The work “6 tasks” will be up to the Messiah to do it
Messiah will be “cut off”
- To die and all of your offspring end. You no longer have a place in Israel.
- A technical term
- The jews did not want to hear this. They didn’t want a suffering messiah.
People of the “prince”
- The Jewish people
- Israelite rebellion caused the destruction of the temple
Covenant with many for one “seven”
- Jesus confirmed a covenant
- Tried to make a covenant after his death for seven years
End to sacrifice and offering
- Messiah brings an end to this sacrificial system with his death
- Points forward to jesus as the lamb
Desolations decreed
- 70 AD when temple was destroyed
- Jesus uses with exact “desolation” phrase when he prophesied about it falling
- 1.3 million Jewish people died
Jesus’s beginning of ministry/the years leading up to him
- i got so confused at this part ngl but basically
- Jesus reads Isaiah in temple –> starts ministry around 27/28 AD –> Ministry lasted abt 3 yrs –> this “beginning” of ministry lines up with the prophecy about 7 70’s
- Jesus died in 31 AD
Steven → 34 AD
- Selected as a greek leader of the church
- Starts preaching in the streets, Jews get so mad at him that he gets stoned on the spot
- Jewish people rejected the last messenger of Jesus to the Jewish people
Saul → 34 AD
- Saw Steven’s stoning
- Starts putting messianic jews into prison. Was a rabbi.
- On the way to Damascus, he is given a vision from Jesus, Jesus calls him out for hurting his children.
- Saul didn’t eat for 3 days.
- Talks to the corinthian church about seeing jesus illuminates the law
- Jesus tells him to spread the gospel to the whole world.
Even if Daniel was written in 150 BC
Then this prophecy is STILL amazing on how its fulfilling timelines w/ the coming of the Messiah and the destruction of the Jewish temple
Work of michael the prince, ch. 10 - 11
- Chapter 11 is difficult so he won’t ask too many questions on it. But he wants us to see that its an expansion on ch. 2,
- Kings of the north and the south fight forever. Trying to own Palestine.
- Youtube: “God gave me this land”
Temporal Marker: Daniel 10:1
Third year of Cyrus. Not Darius??
In verse 12: Came to give Daniel understanding
- High priests robe was blue = blue symbolized the ten commandments
- 10 commandments were made of sapphire
Daniel’s Mourning: Dan 10:2-3
Praying his people will let him go
Introduction to the great vision: Daniel 10:10 - Prince of Persia
- Cyrus himself
- Euphemism for the devil
“Twenty-one days”
3 weeks
- Chief prince of Israel
- “One who is like God”
Familiar vision: daniel 11:1-4 …. Persia
- Xerxes decided he would fight against Greece
- Greece’s “mighty king” = Alexander the great
- Greece defeated Persia
Wars of the Kings of the North and South: Dan 11:5-39
- North = anyone north of Palestine
- South = anyone south of Palestine
- Summary → the rise and fall of everybody
- No one retains power
Prince of the covenant (vs. 22)
- Speaking about Rome now???
- Nobody has power now. What is determined is war. No peace.
Last-day War: Dan 11:40-45
- Beautiful land = Palestine
- Still very little consensus about what these 5 verses mean
- Tim rossenbalm …. Rosenberg…. ? Anyway hes a pastor w/ a theory
- King of North = Church coupled with the West
Daniel 12: Conclusion to Daniel –> Michael stands up
To help them
Time of trouble
- Never been like it in the world before
- Like,,,,really bad,,,,,
Two resurrections?
- Multitudes who sleep in the earth will awake, some to everlasting life and some to contempt
- Talking about a last day resurrection.
- Two groups. Why?
- Why bad people resurrected?
Sealing the book: Dan 12:4 –> Time of the end
“Not a prophecy you’ll understand until after it has happened”
Knowledge increasing
- “Many will go here and there”
- Proposed: technology + travel
- Knowledge that helps us understand Daniel
Final prophecy: Dan 12:5-7 –> Swearing by him who lives forever
- This angel shows up again in rev. Ch. 10
- Raises both hands.
- Daniel seals up the prophecy
Daniel’s final questions: Dan 12:8-12
Daniel seals up the prophecy
- 1,290 days & 1,335 days mentioned
Daniel’s promise: Dan 12:13
- Go your way till the end
- Jewish way of thinking about death = you will rest.
- “Thanks for being faithful”