Daniel Exam Review: Focused review from class Flashcards
On exam he will give summaries of a chapter then you will have to give the chapter number to match that description.
- He might give a line like “Daniel sees 4 beasts etc”
- A section with these summaries will be → 15 questions
Know the dates for when Daniel was written
550 (christian) or 150’s BC (secular)
Will be a section of character matching. Know names!
I’m just gonna physically write out the names and memorize/review that way
Know when the two languages are used in Daniel
Hebrew & Aramaic
Ch. 1
Narrative. Exile, refuse to eat kings food.
ch. 2
Nebu’s dream. Dreams of an image of kingdoms represented in a statue.
ch. 3
The golden idol. Nebu’s image. Related to dan. 2 → gold
ch. 4
King’s tree dream. Nebu’s personal testimony. Conversion experience.
ch. 5
Writing on the wall. Belshezzar (grandson of Nebu), and the fall of Babylon
ch. 6
King Darius, and Daniel in the lion’s den.
ch. 7
Daniel’s vision. 4 beasts. Little horn’s significant = Rome’s state power.
ch. 8
Ram and the Goat. Little horn. Prophecy of 2300 evening mornings.
ch. 9
In 2 parts: 1st Daniel’s prayer. 2nd 70 7’s prophecy about the Messiah.
ch. 10
Michael and the prince of Persia
ch. 11
Kings of the North and the South. constant fighting.
ch. 12
Final prophecy of the resurrection and sealing of the book
Know these dates:
- 457 BC (exhile)
- 28 AD start of Jesus’ ministry
- 31 Jesus dies
Know the name of the Medes and Persians
- King Cyrus = Persian
- Darius = Median