Week 2: Dan 3 - 7 Flashcards
An idol in the kings image: size, material, relation to ch. 2?
- Size: sixty cubits high by six cubits wide = 666 because its an idol. Also 1 cubit = 1.5 ft
- Made of Gold
- ch. 2 relation: The metal in the first dream of the statue’s head is shown here with the gold idol. Its also the weakest material.
Repetition in ch 3
- lots of 6’s and 7’s
- “the image which nebu. set up”. “set up” is used repeatedly. It is intentional. Pointing out how worshiping something that a person made is stupid.
Use of music in ch 3
- When the music hits, everyone bows down to worship
- Played an essential role in the mindlessness of the worship
Death decree in ch 3
- A pattern in the book of revelation as well
- Compelled worship is never a good thing
The accusation: ch 3:8 - 12
- Reciting the party line = just going along with what the king said about worshiping the idol
Ch. 3 - racism and anti-semitism?
- Yes, but it also points to a bigger issue of bigotry
- If you stand out you will most likely be picked on
The jews take a stand: Dan 8:13-18…they reply to the King’s accusations
- “set up” shows up again
- They’re saying “we don’t have to defend ourselves in this matter”
- Nebuchadnezzar was furious with them
The essence of faith
- This chapter (ch. 3) and the lion’s den asks us where we draw the line in the sand
- “I have set my hope in this God, and this is what I will do to keep that”
The fires of persecution: Dan 3:19-25 … they in da fire … somebody in dere wit dem …
- one like a “son of the gods”
- plural word used
- Not referring to jesus, but most likely an angel of God
Nebuchadnezzar’s response in Dan 3:26-30 & its contrast with ch. 2
- The king makes a hate speech law vs promoting people
- “praise be to the God…” he praises the jewish god again
- Can’t God defend himself? Now we see a shift in the language and in the character of Nebuchandnezzar
Kings testimony: 4:1-3. kings 2nd dream
- No longer Daniel writing. the narrative shifts. Its now a personal testimony of king Nebuchandnezzar.
- Speaks about the great tree
King’s tree dream: 4:1 - 18 … wot is the tree ?
- Large a fed every animal
- Is the king
- Neo babylonian culture was significant
Kings tree dream: the band
- put on a tree after its cut down
- This can kill a tree
the tree dream: As an animal
As an animal until 7 times
Dan’s interpretation of the tree dream: 4:19 - 28
- Dan said “stop oppressing people and be kind”
- Your kingdom will be taken from you unless you humble yourself and acknowledge God’s kingdom
Reality Strikes: Dan 4:29-33
- Then Nebuchadnezzar goes on a rooftop and starts speaking about how great his kingdom is.
- Historically king nebuchandezzar didn’t rule for a while
- There is actually a mental health disorder that reflects the kings issue
- 7 times = 7 years.
- This fits with what we know historically
The King’s Repentance: Dan 4:34 - 37
- Another poem from Nebuchadnezzar. He praises God.
All he is doing now is telling a story, rather than making a law or controlling people. - Contrast with conclusion of Daniel 2 and 3
- Now he understands that people cannot be forced to worship
Laws about faith and religion = not good - Makes no laws!
Daniel 5: The fall of Babylon
- Now we talk about Belshazzar
- Reflects the same metals from Dan 2 (in the vessels)
- Making fun of the Jewish people and their God by drinking out of the vessels
The Historical Identity of Belshazzar
- There used to be no evidence of him
- Is actually Nebuchadnezzar’s Grandson
- Possible that Belshazzar didn’t know Nebuchadnezzar very well
- He tried to take his Kingdom back to the Babylonian gods….his father (the actual king) was Nabunitis →
- Making Daniel the 3rd highest ruler was the best he could do
The Party: Daniel 5:1-4
Jerusalem’s temple Vessels = Abused and made fun of/drank out of
The Hand: Dan 5:5-7
people were scared basically
The identity of the “queen” (vs. 5:10)
The queen mother. Belshezarr’s mom. Nebuchadnezzar’s daughter.
Why wasn’t Daniel called first?
The recognition Daniel had at one point was gone. Would fit for when Nabunitis ruled and tried to bring the Babylonian Gods back.
Daniel’s Rebuke: Dan 5:17-24
- “Keep your gifts…”
- Told them about Nebuchadnezzar’s time in the fields as an animal
Idolatry - You did not honor the god who holds in his hand your life
“Mene, mene” (1st phrase on wall)
- God has numbered the days of your reign and brought them to an end
- All come from the language of currency → all measures of money.
You have been weighed, and you have been found wanting
“Peres” or “Upharsin”
- Your kingdom is gonna be divided and given to the medes and Persians
- The kingdom was surrounded by an army at this point → Darius took over right after this writing on the wall happened
Daniel Elevated (writing on the wall story)
Daniel really didn’t need/want the elevated status cause they were about to be taken over
No repentance (ch. 5)
Belshezzzar didn’t do anything to repent
The Persian overthrow of Babylon
- … The Persians diverted the river to dry up the river bed… they went under the city through the gates (gates were open) … then the city fell
- Revelation talks about the drying up of the river of Euphrates in the 7 plagues so this is what its referencing.
- Isaiah talks about a King Cyrus who comes to overthrow the Babylonians. Prophesied about Cyrus by name.
Dan 6:1-2 –> Identity of Darius the Mede
- Ogboru: one of the generals of Cyrus. Who might have ruled in place of Cyrus in Babylonia.
- Ogboru = Darius. Could be a title and not a name.
Wisdom in Appointing Daniel (and Satraps)
- Appointed 120 Satraps
- Decides to establish people under him, and then another 3 who control 120.
Religious Accusation
- Daniel had no corruption and so these Satraps tried to find fault in
- So they had to use Daniel’s religion
Establishment of Authority (ch. 6)
- Using this praise of Darius, the Satraps argued, would establish his rule and power
- Irrevocable Law = Anyone who doesn’t pray to Darius breaks the law
Daniel’s Prayer: Dan 6:10
- When he found out about the decree he went and prayed in his room. He had a personal practice of praying 3 times a day. He would pray out his window, in the direction of Jerusalem.
- A personal practice, not from Torah
The Power of Law
- The king is bound by his own laws. Medes and Persians were bound by laws that they made. If their mind changed, then their laws could not change.
- He agreed with the Satraps that the law still stood
- They accuse Daniel of praying → Darius likes Daniel so this is a sad moment for him. He tried to rescue Daniel. Looked for loopholes.
Darius’ Faith
- “May your god rescue you”
- This king is hoping that Daniel’s God is a god of strength already
Jesus + Daniel foreshadowing w/ Lion’s den story
The king sealed the rock to seal Daniel away → Darius couldn’t sleep
Rock sealing him → parallel with Jesus being sealed in the tomb → a foreshadowing of the resurrection of Jesus.
God’s Intervention: Dan 6:19-23
- “He has shut the mouths of the lions” → another foreshadow of Jesus because he did nothing wrong. Daniel as a book is also a prophetic foreshadowing of Jesus.
- No wound was found on Daniel because he trusted in God
The Great Reversal: Dan 6:24-27
The Satraps and their wives and children were thrown into the lion’s den
Final Time Marker: Dan 6:28
- So Daniel prospered during the rule of Darius/Cyrus
- We don’t know how old Daniel was when he died.
Daniel 7:The Rise and Fall of Nations
Now we go back in time, before Babylon fell
Daniel’s Vision - Four winds
“All directions”
Great sea
Four Beasts: Dan 7:1
- Are we working with the same kingdoms mentioned in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream? YES
All of these are predator animals →
1st beast (7:4)
- Lion
- With eagles wings, given heart of a man → stands on feet and is no longer a lion
- A winged lion is a symbol of Babylon itself. This describes Nebuchadnezzar well (animal → human).
2nd beast (7:5)
- Bear
- On its side, 3 ribs in teeth
- Medes and the Persians. Stronger on one side = Persians were stronger than the Medes. 3 ribs = 3 major areas/nations that they conquered.
3rd beast (7:6)
- Leopard (fast animal)
- 4 bird wings, 4 head, authority to rule
- Greek. Alexander the Great’s kingdom was divided into 4 generals. Alexander conquered quickly
4th beast (7:7)
- Has no name he can think of. Completely different beast.
- Great and terrible, large iron teeth, bronze claws trampled people. 10 horns & 1 little horn uproots 3 horns.
- Rome. Why would it not have a name? → Rome was initially a democratic republic. Trampled everything = yeah thats rome (CONT LATER IN NOTES)
A little horn: Dan 7:8
- Begins to speak boastful words (the horn)
- Uproots 3 of the 10 horns
- Eyes like a man’s eyes
Ancient of days and the judgment: Daniel 7:9-14
- Same picture that Ezekiel saw. A throne with wheels on it.
- Books were opened, court was seated.
- Beast is stripped of its judgment and given over to one like the son of man
- Daniel is rekt after this
The beasts represent different:
Interpretation of the little horn
- 10 horns = 10 kings
- Another king (Little horn) arises that wants to change laws (holy laws too). Wants to change times.
- …”The holy ones will be delivered into his hand for a time, times,[bd] and half a time. Which can point to 3 ½ years? This could be a hebrew way of saying that its been a long time.
What Kingdom arose out of Rome, that oppressed the people of God, and overthrew 3 nations, changed the times and laws of God? → (Little Horn)
- This is the church state power of Rome. Not necessarily all Catholic people.
- The worse oppression for the longest period of time, in western area, were done in the name of the christian God → when the church enacts its own laws
- Millions were killed by the christian church (rome)
Did the Christian church change the laws of God? Yea.
Sabbath was one “law’ changed. In the Vatican there is a doctoral dissertation about the historical change of sabbath (saturday) to Sunday.
Daniel’s response to the vision: Dan 7:28
Daniel’s color changed then he kept the dreams to himself