week 4 viva Flashcards
what factors have played a role in Apple
being one of the most innovative companies
Apple was able to understand the customer preferences and market trends and implementeed innovations acording to these factors, by having eternal focus to understand market insights having an innovative culture that encourages risk taking and thinking creative help shaping their creativity into innovation. Also with understanding the market insights they used the oppurtunities into being innovative and creating disruptions in the market like ipod and iphone and by sustaining the innovations by implementing even better features that customers wanted they were able to stay in demand and continue being the innovative.Apple continues being innovative by diversifying its pproducts from iphones and macbooks to vr headsets, using its creative thinking to solve the mainstream problems vr headset users strugglle with and continue being the disruptive innovator and keep being innovative.
Innovation can be explained through the Innovation Matrix by Satell
(2013). Discuss the Innovation Matrix? Illustrate your answers with
examples using one of the case organisations
The innovation matrix is categories by the questions of how well the problem is defined and who is the best placed to solve it. There are 4 types of category in this matrix the breakthorugh the basic research the sustaining innovation and lastly the disruptive innovation. Apple generally uses sustaining innovation and disruptive innovation. In its macbooks and iphones apple adds features that enhance the products like adding new cameras, a better chip for the iphones or macbooks to work faster the screen quality. In the recent years, Apple has also continued the disruptive innovation in the vr headset sector by solving the headset users struggle with and crating a whole new value creation for the customers, creating the need for other competitors to reach the same quality level in order to be not seen as inferior. Furthermore, by creating wireless airpods in the same disruptive innovation apple managed to stay as a leader in technological devices, being the one of the most innovative and in demand company due to understanding and catering to customer preferences by solving peoples everyday poblems and making life easier.
Rodger’s (1962) diffusion theory helps to explain how innovation can be
done in an organisation. What are the four main areas of the theory and
apply the theory to one of the case organisations
One is :the innovation is created. The second one: is communication channels are utilised to share information about the innovation. The third one is social system existing around the adopters and non adopters according to peoples characteristics such as are they open minded or resistant to change, do they need to be convinced to buy the innovation by marketing or hering success stories or statisstics on how well the innovation is. The forth :the time it tkes for individuals to adopt the process. The innovators take no time and they wait for the innovation. The early adopters do not need convincing too, wanting to see the innovation and need no effort to be convinced via marketing. The late marjority are open to change but they need to see the success stories and need convincing. The lates t one the laggards are the most conservative one and need statistics, success stories in order to be convinced into buying the innovation and take the most time to be convinced as they are resistant.