Week 4 - Digitisation and PACS Flashcards
Digital radiography - uses electronic deetectors to convert radiation that passes through the patient directly to a digital image - image go into the PACS system
- processed in a couple of seconds
- better quality than CR
Computer radiography
Picture archiving communication system - electronic method of storing and accessing medical imaging examinations
- immediate access to imaging studies by attending physicians
- can support any specialty using digital imagies
importation of digital studies from other institutions
electronic transfer of radiological images, such as xrays, CTs and MRIs from 1 location to another for the purposes of interpretation and/or consultation
Image stitching
long leg films
full spine
PACS advantages
Remote access
long term archiving
immediate access to images
improve quality of image interpretation due to access to previous studies
PACS disadvantages
- quality of image is monitor dependent
- during transiton phase 2 systems must be used simultaneously
- potential system failure
widespread traingin required