Week 4 Flashcards
Albuterol BETA Agonist
Brand Proventil, Ventolin
MOA: Binds and stimulates beta 2 receptors; relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle; Bronchodilation
IND: bronchospasm, asthma, COPD exacerbation
CON: hypersensitivity, cardiac disorder, angioedema, arrhythmia, symptomatic tachycardia, xopenex hypersensitivity
Adverse: anxiety, tremor, N/V, palpitations, hyperglycemia, hypokalemia.
Dose/Route: 2.5-5 mg Neb. Every 20 minutes. Max 3 doses.
Pedi— 0.15mg/kg Neb every 20 min max 3 doses
Special: Class C pregnancy, monitor for arrhythmias.
levalbuterol Sympathomimetic
Brand: Xopenex
MOA: Stimulates Beta 2 receptors; smooth muscle relaxer of the lungs, uterous, and vascular muscles
IND: Bronchospasm, prophylactic patient with asthma.
CON: hypersensitivity, Beta blocker use, angio edema, sensitivity to albuterol
Adverse: anxiety, tremors, N/V, palpitations, hyperglycemia, hypokalemia.
DOSE: 0.63mg Neb with 3 mL NS
Pedi: 0.31mg Neb with 3 mL NS
Acute exasterbation COPD 1.23-2.5 mg q25min
SPCL: Class C pregnancy
Ipratropium bromide
ipratropium bromide Parasypatholitic
Brand: Atrovent
MOA: antagonizes acetylcholine receptors resulting in bronchodilation; dries secreations
IND: Bronchospasm, asthma, COPD exacerbation.
CON: hypersensivity, heart disease, GLAUCOMA, bladder neck obstruction.
Adverse: dehydration, throat irritation, palpitations, dizziness
Dose/Route: 0.5mg Neb q20 min
Pedi: 0.25mg Neb
Special: Class B pregnancy, not given as a sole med (mixed with albulterol), administered post Beta agonist.
Duo- Neb
duo-neb combination bronchodilator
Brand: Combivent
MOA: Beta 2 agoinist causing bronchodiliation while antagonizing acetylcholine receptors. Inhibits parasympathetic stimulation
IND: 2nd line treatment; bronchospasm, asthma, COPD exacerbation.
CON: hypersensitivity, HTN, cardiac disorders, arrhythmias, heart disease. Symptomatic tachycardia
Adverse: anxiety, tremors, N/V, palpitations, throat irritation, dehydration, arrhythmias, headaches, tachycardia
Dose/Route: albuterol –2.5mg, ipratropium 0.5mg in 3mL NS.
Pedi—Not recommended
Special: Class C pregnancy. Applied every 4-6 hours. Caution with: DM, seizures, and cardiac disease.