Week 3 Terms Flashcards
Authoritarian regime takes the lead of the transition and dictates its nature
Opposition controls the process of the transition
Regime and opposition work together to form of transition
See O’Donnell and Schmitter
When something in one region results in something else in another
collapse of the Soviet Union
Gorbachev Effect
When the external effect of the Soviet Union was removed and made it easier for other countries to transition to democracy
Union movement in Poland that initiated democracy
Lech Walesa
First President of the Republic of Poland
Imre Nagy
Hungarian communist leader whose death started the process of democratization
Hungary Opening Borders with Austria
First fall of the Iron Curtain
Meetings in communist countries to discuss democratic transition
Civic Forum
Czech’s Peoples Democratic Movement
Vaclav Havel
President of Czechoslovakia and then later, the Czech Republic
The Prague Spring
Period of mass protest in Czechoslovakia to transition to democracy
The Velvet Revolution
Peaceful protests of Czechoslovakians to transition to democracy
Berlin Wall
Wall separating East and West Germany
Erich Honecker
German communist leader who lead until shortly before the berlin wall fell