Week 3 Exam 1 Legal Flashcards
What are the four main principals of nursing code of ethics?
What is autonomy?
Autonomy is recognizing each individual patient’s right to self-determination and decision-making.
What is beneficence?
Beneficence is acting for the good and welfare of others and including such attributes as kindness and charity.
What is justice?
Justice is that there should be an element of fairness in all medical and nursing decisions and care. Nurses must care for all patients with the same level of fairness despite the individual’s financial abilities, race, religion, gender, and/or sexual orientation.
What is non-maleficence?
Least amount of harm to achieve a beneficial outcome
Name some ethical issues in healthcare
Organ transplant
reproductive tech
DNR- need a advance directive - person decides own care.
Spouse/ pater first then children. With siblings the majority wins. If not reached agreement- hospital decides.
power of attorney- means nothing in a hospital setting.
Types of laws on EXAM
Public Law—government is directly involved
Regulates relationships between individuals and government
Private Law—civil law
Regulates relationships among people
Criminal Law—concerns state and federal criminal statutes
Defines criminal actions (e.g., murder, theft)
Federal Law
HIPAA-Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
State Laws KBN
Mandatory Reporting – various states require healthcare worker to report communicable diseases. You also have the duty to report physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect of vulnerable individuals. You do not need evidence. This only initiates an investigation.
The duty to report takes priority over the patient’s right to privacy. If you suspect abuse, you will not be charged with violating HIPAA.
Good Samaritan Laws – designed to protect from liability those who provide emergency care to someone who is in need of medical services. Call 911, don’t leave patient, do not accept money, provide reasonable care
What does the Nurse Practice Act do?
Define scope of nursing practice
What does KBN do?
- Admister NCLEX
-nurse practice acts
-scope of practice
Provides standards of care
Who credentials colleges?
KBN provides what?
license and certifications
Scope of practice?
LPNS have a diffrent scope the RN, than MD.
Dont go out of scope- trouble
Nurses have rights
slide 15 but i dont think i need to know