Week 1 Exam 1 Nursing Process Flashcards
What is Bloom’s Taxonomy? (Think triangle, 6 levels. List in order)
Lecture 1, slide 15
- create-produce new or original work
- evaluate- justify a stand or decision
- analyze- draw connections among ideas
- apply- use info n new situations
- understand-explain ideas or concepts
- remember- recall facts and basic concepts
Definition of Nursing
The American Nurses Association (ANA) states nursing is theprotection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations (ANA, 2023).
Explain importance of QSEN (Quality and Safety Education for Nurses) to current nursing education.
QSEN (patient-centered care, teamwork, collaboration,evidence-based practice, safety and informatics)
Why important? regulate care.
how do nurses benefit? Regulate care and prevent harm
How do patients benefit? improve patient care, right training
What is the responsibility of an RN?
perform physical exams, health history. Provide health promotion, counseling, and education. prevent harm.
When do nurses provide education?
When administer meds, or other personalized information.
What does KBN do?
provide license for nurses
What does ACEN do?
accreditation for education
QSEN- what are the six core competencies?
The six core competencies are: 1.Evidence Based Practice
2.Quality Improvement
5.Patient Centered Care
6.Teamwork and Collaboration
Nursing mostly came about because of…
war and solider care
Florence Nightingale
is known as the founder of modern day nursing
JCAHO is what?
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
Hospital “grade” based on how they perform on set of standards. One measurement is looking at how hospitals perform on JCAHO’s National Patient Safety Goals. They grade the hospital: A,B,C
Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services (CMS)- Pays bills based on hospital grade
Private Insurances will also require certain standards to be met prior to paying a facility or practitioner for services.
National patient Safety Goals
ask if on exam
slide 41
Why does Joint Commission come in to hospitals?
For reimbursement from medicaid.
Are hospital acquired infections reimbursed?
- pressure ulcers, MRSA, C-DIFF,post op problems, hospital fall or fracture and some others are not paid by medicare.
Issues in healthcare
- aging population
-alternative therapies
-consumerism (who has the best hospital)
-Rural vs Virtual
The nurse is infuriated by an inappropriate comment the client makes regarding religion. What is the nurse’s best response?
A. Ask for another patient assignment.
B. Care for the client as if they would anyone else.
C. Tell the client you don’t agree with them. But, will agree to disagree.
D. Educate the client on different religions.
Answer B.
3 Key Concepts to Evidence Based Practice
1.Practice: stimulates ideas to improve quality of care
2. Research: the nurse investigates to the idea or question
3. Theory: the nurse develops a practice theory based on findings