Week 3 Flashcards
means before history or to be specific before written history.
These drawings were made as early as 30,000 years ago or during the Old Stone Age. It is the time where man started to learn to use stone tools to create cave drawings.
Cave drawings
__________ is the most popular subject of the cave drawings wherein they were drawn in simple stick figures while others like in Europe were so realistic
It was used for a ritual to pray for a successful hunt. Used to commemorate a successful hunt.
Cave drawings
These are huge stone structures found all over the world.
This ancient architecture is found in England and was composed of stone labs that weighed tons. It is arranged in a radial pattern and is thought to have been built around 4,000 years ago. This extra ordinary structure has perplexed experts for years as how people could cut and transport and erect them in such fashion. Many conspiracy theorists believed that magic or aliens had a hand in the building of the architecture.
Built around 2,000 years ago, the people of the community found a creative way to farm in a mountainous area. It took hundreds of years to complete using only their hands
Banaue Rice terraces
They began near great bodies of water. They were ruled by a monarch and believed in a nature based religion. They developed artworks that still astound people today.
Early civilizations
Mesopotamia was founded between ______ and ______
Tigris, Euphrates
Egypt was based near the river _____ centered on the Indus river
Nile, India
The ________ gave birth to Ancient China.
Yellow River
is located where Syria and Iraq is. The Sumerians were one of the most dominant group in the region
Ancient Mesopotamia
They are the ones who develop a writing system called Cuneiform.
It was used to represent the objects through a series of shapes and lines. They were written in tablets that are exhibited in many museums around the world and valued for their historical significance.
Ziggurats (Art of Ancient Mesopotamia)
It looks like pyramids but its sides are zigzagged making them appear like steps or stairs and was used as temples to honour their different gods.
was led by the Pharaoh which was believed to be Gods themselves and treated like one
Ancient Egypt
It was used as ancient tombs for the Pharaohs. In the pyramid all things the Pharaoh would need in the afterlife is provided like food, jewelries, and even servants who were buried alive along with the Pharaoh. (ARTS OF ANCIENT EGYPT)
It was one of the biggest pyramid built using more than 2 million blocks of stone that weighed 2 tons and 48 building in height.
Pyramid of Khufu
The interior of the walls of Egyptian temples and pyramids are decorated by murals.
Egyptians draw the human body whole. The head, arms, legs and feet are drawn from ______ but the eyes and shoulders are shown _______
the side, front view
The Pharaoh and all the other divinities are drawn _____ compared to the common folks
______ or the written language of the Ancient Egyptian is painted in the walls and uses simple figurative drawing combined with symbols to create words and sentences.
__________ was used to safe guard the Pharaoh body after death
Egyptian sculpture
is a mythical creature that has head of a human and the body of lion
Great Sphinx
is defined by the need to achieve proportion.
Greek Art
They used mathematical equation called the ___________ to represent the ideal proportion. The Greek also loved colours, they uses bright colours whether paintings or sculptures.
golden ratio
Greek architecture is best embodied by their ________.
These ________ were erected to honour the different Gods and Goddesses in order to gain favour from them.
It was built in honour of the Goddess of wisdom, Athena, whose statue was found within the temple. It has a rectangular building elevated on platform and was surrounded by columns that carry the weight of the structure.
the simplest with simple and broad, rectangular capital that tops the column (Three decorative styles or orders in Greek structure)
it is distinguished with its capital that looks like scroll (Three decorative styles or orders in Greek structure)
the capital is carved leaves (Three decorative styles or orders in Greek structure)
Statues were sculpted according to how a perfect body might look to serve as inspiration. They used the ______ form of the bodies of men and women as their model for the perfect and ideal human form. (Greek Sculpture)
________ sculpted with protruding eyes, an angular chin and the edge of the mouth curl up giving the statues a smile like grin
Male statues
_________ It stood 42 feet high made with ivory and dressed and armoured in gold. Precious stones were used to embellish the statue. It was sculpted by Phidias using the golden ratio
This earthenware is valued not just for their functionality but also their artistry. The top and the base of the jars are decorated with geometric patterns. The middle is made of drawings. Idealize figures like playing a game, chariot racing, or a god lock in battle are few of the examples of the designs used. The earthenware was decorated using black and another colour often using red and orange.
The rise of roman began under the rule of _______. The Roman grew in population and wealth that they soon overthrew the ______ (ART OF ANCIENT ROME)
The fascination of the Roman with portraits started when wax moulds of the face of the deceased were used to remember their late love ones, these were called ________. Stone and marble were soon used due to its durability and permanence. (ROMAN SCULPTURE)
Sculpted Portraits
The Romans used a barrel vault as their method of construction where the weight of the building is transferred to the base through an arch
Roman architecture
The Roman emperors built and organized arenas for sports events, chariot races and gladiator combats held in air open buildings which were called ________.
It was built by Emperor Nero around 50 AD. and named after a “colossal” statue of Nero.
It can accommodate 50,000 spectators with 80 archways that surround the perimeter. The Arches also supported the bleachers: at its center is an oval where races can be held. The tiers nearest the oval are reserved for the wealthy and powerful citizens.
Underneath the colosseum were different rooms and passages where animals were caged, the waiting area of gladiators and an area where the dead combatants are brought where their valuables can be stripped off and the dead body can be kept which is called the __________.
The designs of the Roman _____ were adapted from the designs of the Greeks. But unlike the Greek _____, Romans ______ used the columns more for decoration.
This temple was made in honour of the Roman Gods. It was decorated with Conrinthian columns on its facade. It is window-less cylindrical building that is topped with a shallow dome.
The Pantheon
The Pantheon is decorated with recessing panels called _______. Light enters the temple through the ________.
coffers, oculus
It was where Roman people congregate to discuss law or any important matters that affect the community. Later on _________ served as the pattern for Christian churches.
The basilica was a big rectangular space that is divided by a row of columns, the main corridor was called the ______ and the narrower corridor was called the ______. The altar is placed on one end of the nave which is called an _______. This is covered by a two-tier roof; the roof that covered the aisles is lower and the roof that covers the nave is higher to provide spaces for the windows
nave, aisle, apse
The Angono Rock Shelter or better known as __________________ in the province of Angono, Rizal was discovered in 1965 by the artist Carlos “Botong” Francisco during a field trip with Boys Scouts. Different human and animal figures were etched on the rock shelter. The engravings are not decorative but symbolic representations executed by different individuals perhaps with some cultural persuasion.
Angono Petroglyphs
_________ were a manifestation of ritual and manner of worship
Prehistoric sculptures
__________ was born when man first made earthen mounds and monolithic stone hinges
The Romans’ greatest contribution to western civilization was in _________
__________ is an art style that the Romans used to give importance to the interiors of their buildings.
____________ shows the real appearance of the person it portrays. It is usually linked to a specific person like their emperors or gods.
Roman portraiture
___________ art was mainly comprised of vases, sculpture, and architecture.
Ancient Greek
___________ art was highly stylized and symbolic. Much of their surviving art works come from the tombs and monuments depicting their belief in life after death
Ancient Egyptian
_________ is greatly influenced by ancient Greeks.
Roman art
The Egyptians believed that when the Pharaoh dies his soul would return to his body which why bodies were preserved through mummification and the body was placed in a coffin called _____________