Week 1 Flashcards
classical music is reserved for the
Due to more complexities on this concern of musical performances, ____________ of composer’s works became necessary.
printed copies
refers to the period that extends roughly from the death of Johann Sebastian Bach in 1750 to the death of Ludwig van Beethoven in 1827
Sonata came from the Italian word “suonare” which means
to sound
came from the Italian word “suonare” which means “to sound”, which indicates a piece to be sounded on instruments
The name ________ is used specifically for a chamber piece intended for one or two instruments
is used for solo instruments with the accompaniment of the orchestra
is for the whole orchestra.
the opening movement and is considered the most highly organized of a sonata cycle (4 different movements on the sonata cycle)
The first movement
usually in a fast tempo such as allegro. It is also known as first-movement form, sonata-allegro form, or simply sonata form. (4 different movements on the sonata cycle)
The first movement
also known as the opening, it generally sets the two opposing keys and their respective themes. The first theme establishes the home key or tonic. (sonata-allegro form has 3 sections)
establishes the contrasting key. is the development section, the themes from the exposition may be modified or varied, expanded or contracted, or combined with other motives or with new provisions (sonata-allegro form has 3 sections)
development section
it is the psychological climax of a sonata form. (sonata-allegro form has 3 sections)
recapitulation section
is most often the slow of the sonata cycle. It offers a contrast to the sonata-allegro that precedes it. It is the songful movement that allows the composer to present the purely lyrical aspect of the musical art. (4 different movements on the sonata cycle)
second movement
invariably is a minuet and trio(4 different movements on the sonata cycle)
third movement
which originated in the French court in the mid-17th century, embodies in triple time the idea of the grace of an aristocratic age.
is originally arranged for only three instruments. presented between two minutes
the trio
was used by Beethoven as a substitute for the minuet in the 19th-century symphony. is an Italian term for “jest’, which is marked by abrupt changes of mood.
the sonata cycle often ends with a rondo, a lively movement suffused with the spirit of the dance. Its symmetrical sections create a balanced structure that is aesthetically satisfying and easy to grasp (4 different movements on the sonata cycle)
fourth movement
It is a sonata written for orchestra. The word was derived from the term sinfonia, which was applied to various kinds of instrumental music in the 17th century.
By the mid-18th century, the Italian sinfonia became an independent instrumental form –
the symphony
separates composition or set of compositions by a particular composer, usually ordered by date of publication.
is written for a small group of solo instruments. It is suitable for performance in a room or small hall.
Chamber music
Its history dates back to the 16th century when Giovanni Gabrieli (1557-1612), an organist at St. Mark’s Cathedral in Venice, wrote a canzona for two violins, cornetti, and two trombones published in 1615.
Chamber music
can be described as elegant, graceful, and refined
Classical music