Is highlighting and re-reading a beneficial study technique?
Depends on the quality of highlighting, but generally no because it may make a student omit information that is not highlighted and does not help to create links between information.
What is active and passive highlighting?
Active: Highlighting yourself
Passive: Someone else highlighting and you read
What is Fowler and Barker’s 1974 experiment?
It showed the difference of active, passive and regular reading of information and its effects on retaining information.
- 8000 words from magazines and then a MCG test 1 week later
More highlighting = worse performance
Is re-reading any effective study strategy?
Re-reading is better than not re reading but beyond that there are no retention benefits. Distributed practice is preferred
Is re-reading or distributive study better?
Distributive with 10-20% retention intervals (Cepeda et al 2008)
What is the spreading activation model?
Collins and Loftus 1975:
A memory or information has multiple connections
The more _________, the more likely the answer will be retrieved from memory.
Retrieval cues/links
What sort of practice helped broaden retrieval cues?
Distributive (Benjamin and Tullis, 2010) because it consolidates information by retrieving answer over a period of time which creates links to help remember.
What is practice testing?
Practice retrieving the information, closed book
Is practice testing effective?
Yes, because you are practicing in similar conditions to the test and therefore are learning problem solving instantaneously better than just reciting the information in mass.
- Transfer of learning (Butler 2010)
What is some evidence for practice testing?
Spitzer (1939) tested 3605 grade 6 students on their performance after practice testing and no practice testing. The children who partook in practice tests were more successful than those who did not.
What did Karpicke and Blunt 2011 test?
Practice testing vs Concept mapping
Retrieval practice was the most effective
Practice testing works, even when _______ is ________.
Retrieval is unsuccessful (Hays et al 2013)
What technique can you combine with practice testing for improved results?
Distributed practice
Why are study skills not taught?
- Emphasis on content (McNamara, 2010) p. 341
- Not up-to-date in textbooks
- Increased self-regulation expected
- Need for educational/ cognitive psychologists