What is organisational citizenship behaviour? (OCB)
Exceeding expectations
Generalised compliance
What are counter productive work behaviours (CWBs)?
Behaviours that deviate from the norms of an organisation and threaten the wellbeing of the organisation and/or its members
What are the two branches of CWBs?
Interpersonal deviance
Organisational deviance
Property) (production
What is included in interpersonal deviance?
Aggression: antisocial behaviours to harm others
Incivility: low-level rudeness or disrespect
What is involved with bullying?
Repeatedly harassing, offending, socially excluding or humiliated through task assignment
Includes cyber bullying and mobbing
How did Anderson and Pearson 1999 describe workplace incivility?
Incivility spiral
What are the consequences of workplace incivility?
What are some examples of organisational deviance?
What is time banditry?
Classic: arriving late/leaving early, excessive breaks
Technology: cyber loafing
Social: chatting, personal phone calls
What is the dark triad?
Dark triad:
How might CWB be reduced?
Organisational justice enhancement
What is the formula for workplace motivation?
Performance = (motivation x ability) - situational constraints
How may you enhance motivation in the workplace?
Contingent rewards
Job enrichment
Feedback programs
What is an example of a positive work environment?
Eg. Google
Perks and freedom for motivation and production enhancement
What is gamification?
Characteristics and design features from games used in non-gaming contexts to engage and motivate workers
What are MBOs?
Management by objectives
Iris sees a workmate drop a whole carton of jim beam on the ground. She could just drive past to maintain her rate, but instead she stops to help him mop it up. What is iris demonstrating?
Organisational citizenship behaviour
Mary steals $500 and starts throwing axes at people in the workplace. What kinds of CWBs is she demonstrating?
Organisational deviance: (property deviance) theft
Interpersonal deviance: aggression
Gossiping in the workplace is an example of____?
Name an example of incivility consequences in regards to affect.
Incivility can cause problems such as depression and cause marital problems etc
It shows how work can carry over to home life