What is involved with the elaboration likelihood model?
Central route
Peripheral route
What is the central route of persuasion of the elaboration likelihood model?
- Appealing to someone’s logic and reason (eg. quality argument)
- Deep processing
- Persuasion outcome: Lasting change
What is the peripheral route of persuasion in the elaboration likelihood model?
- Leverage surface features that appeal to superficial processing/grab attention
- Shallow processing
What is the persuasion outcome of the peripheral route of persuasion?
- Temporary persuasion
- Susceptible to counter-persuasion
What is clickbait?
- Sensational headlines to attract the audience to click through to further content
- Curiosity gap
What is the formula to creating a clickbait heading?
Number + trigger word + adjective + keyword + promise = Clickbait heading
How does clickbait effect perceptions of source credibility?
What are user responses to social media advertising?
- Informativeness
- Creativity
What is considered before a post is ‘liked’?
- Content appreciation
- Friends
- Audience
- Reputation
- Appropriateness
- Support
- Peer support
Whether social media persuasion is successful depends a lot on how popular it is. What is is involved in popularity?
- Bandwagon heuristic
- Social norms
- ‘Shares’ appear to be particularly persuasive
What do social media influencers use to persuade an audience?
- Self-branding
- Selective self-presentation
How does authenticity and credibility effect social media persuasion?
Credibility = persuasion
Perceived ability and motivation of the message source to produce accurate and truthful information
What produces attractiveness in social media persuasion?
More followers = ??
Greater likability
In Byrne, Kearney and MacEvilly (2017), What did they find about how influencers influence behaviour?
59% followed influencers
16% had high influence on food choices
32% of influences motivated healthier food choices
What makes a good instagram post according to Ramos-Serrano and Martinez-Garcia (2016)?
Wide, full-body shots
Camera at eye level
Main visual elements in the centre
Warm colours and black
What makes a good instagram post according to Manovich, 2017?
_________ can impact on advertising recognition
According to the elaboration likelihood model, what route of persuasion involves less effortful processing?
What factors do users consider prior to hitting the like button on social media?
- content appreciation
- friends
- appropriateness
The perceived _________ of social media influencers make them persuasive communicators.
True or false: click bait headlines result in positive effects on perceptions of source credibility.