What is social influence?
The way we respond to the real or imagined presence of. others
What contexts can activate social influence?
Online gaming
Social media
Online forums
Online shopping
What are the two types of influences Deutsch and Gerard (1995) describe?
Informational Influence
Normative Influence
What are the three underlying processes to social influence?
What is compliance in regards to social influence?
An external or obvious change in behaviour in response to a direct request
What is obedience in regards to social influence?
- Involves authority
- Can be constructive or destructive
- Behaviour in compliance with direct demands
What is conformity in relation to social influence?
- Adjustment of ones opinions, judgements or actions so that they become more consistent with those of others
- Sources: friends (peer pressure) or groups (group norms)
- Includes: compliance and conversion
What is included in the Yale model of persuasive communication?
- Characteristics of the source/sender
- Characteristics of the message
- Characteristics of the audience
What is the the elaboration likelihood model?
- Expands on Yale model
- Takes the same components of Yale model
- Embeds emotions, motivation and cognition
What are Caldini’s (2001) six principles to enhancing online compliance and persuasion?
- Reciprocity
- Liking
- Scarcity
- Social Proof
- Commitment and consistency
- Authority
What is the Foot in the door technique (FITD) of online persuasion?
- Smaller to larger requests
- Activates the self-perception theory
What is The door in the face technique (DITF) of online persuasion?
- Larger to smaller requests
- Ann affiliative phenomenon
What are advergames?
Video games designed to work as advertisements to promote brands
- different from in-game advertising
What platforms are advergames available on?
- Websites
- Computer
- Smartphones
- Smart TV
- Smart gadgets
What is the purpose of advergames in company websites?
Entice users to visit and stay on their websites - play interactive games
What is an example of advertising games in commercial platforms?
America’s army - official game of the US army. Free military game that focusses on small unit tactical maneuvers
How are advergames successful?
- Useful for capturing attention
- Help retention of product or message
- Can become popular through word-of-mouth
- Directly linked to sales (eg. free products/coupons)
- Training and education
What are the persuasive strategies for Advergames?
- Objectives
- Integration of products (Associative, illustrative, demonstrative)
- Target of campaign (Demographics, attitude to game, advertising message)
- Visibility
- Credibility
- Playability
Social influence is the way we respond to the real of imagined presence of others, and can be experienced by the following contexts:
- video games
- social media
- offline social interactions
Social influence is a complex phenomenon that presents with the following three underlying processes:
Compliance, obedience, conformity
Advergames developed to be played through a companies website have the purpose of:
Making users visit the company’s website for longer periods
When designing persuasive advergames, it is important to consider the following aspects:
Objective Integration of products Target Visibility Credibility Playability