Week 2- SI Joint Clinical Presentations Flashcards
The prevalence of SIJ dysfunction is ___%.
What is the gold standard for diagnosis of SIJ dysfunction?
-Local intra-articular anasthetic blocks
What are some common SIJ health conditions?
- Spondyloarthropathies
- Infection and Metabolic Diseases
- Sacral Stress Fracture
- Pregnancy Related Sacroilitis
- Mechanical Disorders
Sacral Stress Fracture:
- Pelvic ring is a closed system.
- f the SIJ is fused, ________ stress placed on sacrum.
- Repetitive loading can be related to ________.
- Fractures often observed vertically at _____.
- torsional
- ambulation
- ala
Sacral Stress Fractures are most common in what populations?
- Athletes
- Older Adults
Sacral Stress Fractures (Athletes):
- Recent increase in ______________.
- Recent stress fracture in same area.
- ____% of stress fractures in LE.
- training intensity
- 1.7%
Sacral Stress Fractures (Older Adults):
- (1) _____ SIJ and (2) diminished bone ____________.
- Trauma
-fused SIJ, diminished bone density osteoporosis
What are some other predisposing factors to Sacral Stress Fractures?
- Steroid-induced osteoporosis
- Osteoporosis related to malignancy
- Irradiation-induced osteoporosis
Sacral Stress Fracture Symptomology:
- ____/pain into ________ (possibly groin and LE)
- May be similar to ___________ syndrome.
- LBP/pain into buttock
- cauda equina syndrome
Sacral Stress Fracture Physical Exam:
- May look similar to presentations associated with _____, spinal ________, tumors.
- _______ gait
- TTP area of stress fracture
- Lumbar spine ROM more likely ________.
- HNP, spinal stenosis, tumors
- antalgic gait
- normal
- What is coccydynia?
- Flexion >___ degrees or extension >___ degrees = hypermobility.
- Who is at more risk for coccydynia?
- Ligamentous/bony injury involving coccyx.
- > 25 degrees flexion, >20 degrees extension
- trauma, pelvic floor injury, female (4x), higher BMI (3x)
Coccydynia Symptomology:
- Pain in area of coccyx.
- Aggravated by _________, sitting without weight shift, defecation, intercourse.
- Aggravated with __________ motions.
- transitions
- asymmetric
Coccydynia Physical Exam:
- TTP coccyx
- Sitting posture __________
- Painful provocation testing
Coccydynia Intervention:
- Medical (surgical excision, guided steriod injection)
- Manual therapy (coccyx mobs)
- PT education/ _______ ________
- _______ ______ exercises
- activity modification
- pelvic floor exercises
Postpartum Posterior Pelvic Pain (PPPP):
- Pain that begins during pregnancy or within __ weeks following delivery.
- Incidence of PPPP reported __-__%.
- Not well understood, but theorized to be related to hormone-related ligamentous laxity and increased lordosis.
- 3 weeks
- 4-78%
What are the (4) classifications of PPPP?
- Pelvic Girdle Syndrome (involves both SI joints and pubic symphysis)
- Symphyiolysis (involves only pubic symphysis
- One-sided SI syndrome
- Doube-sided SI syndrome
- What is the most common and second most common classification of PPPP?
- Which is most likely to have persisting symptoms?
- Double-sided SI syndrome
- Pelvic Girdle Syndrome
-Pelvic Girdle Syndrome
PPPP Physical Exam:
- Findings consistent with mechanical _____
- __________ Test
- Active SLR Test
SIJ Mechanical Disorders:
- Structures that could be affected include _______, ________, and contractile units.
- Pathoanatomy: Capsule tears thought to be a primary contributor to presentation.
- Minimal motion typically occurs at the SIJ __-__ degrees
- Dx best supported for local anesthetic block
- capsule, ligament, contractile units
- 1-2 degrees
SIJ Mechanical Disorders Symptomology:
- Pain in _______/_______/_______
- Aggravated by _________, sitting, activities that require ______ strides.
- buttock/groin/thigh
- transitions, sitting, activities that require longer strides
SIJ Mechanical Disorders Physical Exam:
- Asymmetry with _________ _________ exam common.
- TTP affected SIJ __________
- Provocation with procedures that stress affected SIJ ligament/capsule structures.
- _________ Cluster
- postural landmark exam
- stabilizers
- Laslett’s Cluster