Week 2 Embryology 1 Flashcards
Formation of gametes (oocyte, sperm)
Oocyte (female)
Sperm (male)
Half regular DNA content
Formed by either spermatogenesis or oogenesis through meiosis
What we use to make human beings
Formation of Sperm
Formation of oocyte (egg)
Human somatic cells contain 23 pairs of chromosomes - 46 total
22 pairs autosomes
One pair sex chromosomes
Contain genetic information for most human characteristics. A pair of similar autosomes are called homologous chromosomes.
22 pairs
Homologous chromosomes
A pair of similar autosomes (functionally the same)
Number of chromosomes
Human cell has 46 chromosomes
amount of DNA
Haploid (gamete)
1/2 number of paired chromosomes
How many chromosomes humans have
46, 23 pair
In normal cell, gamete has how much DNA?
Begins with meiosis
Produces secondary oocytes in female
Produces sperm in male
Gametes contain 1/2 number of paired chromosomes and are called haploid (1N)
How to decrease to 1/2 the chromosomes
Meiosis I
Meiosis results in the formation of gametes (sex cells)
Homologous chromosomes are separated after synapsis and crossing over occurs
Meiosis II
Sister chromatids are seperated in a sequence of phases that resembles mitosis
Sister chromatids aka
Duplicated chromosome
Meiosis starts with this
Duplicated chromosome (aka sister chromatids)
One of the two strands of a chromosome joined together by a centromere
In Meisosis II, this seperates
Chromosomal Crossover
An important step in genetic recombination in which two chromosomes, normally homologous pair up and exchange DNA
Independent Assortment
Shuffling of genes
Increases variation and is heritable
_N at start of Meiosis 1, Prophase 1
Diploid cells that reside in the testes
Each one first divides by mitosis to make an exact copy of itself called a primary spermatocyte first
Then undergo meiosis and ultimately produce haploid cells called spermatids
Parent or stem cells that produce sperm
Primary spermatocyte
Sperm first divides by mitosis to make an exact copy of itself
When spermatocytes undergo meiosis they produce these haploid cells (23 chromosomes)
Lose much of their cytoplasm and grow long tail called flagellum
22 autosomes
X or Y chromosomes
From a single spermatocyte, 4 new sperm are formed.
Hydrolytic enzymes in sperm that punch hole in egg
The gamete produced
22 autosomes and one X chromosome
Parent cells called oogonia and reside in ovaries
Parent cells that produce oocytes and reside in the ovaries
Oogonia start process of meiosis and form primary oocytes prior to birth. Arrested in Prophase 1 until puberty
Meiosis 1 Oogenesis
End of meiotic division, two cells are produced
Division of cytoplasm is unequal
Secondary oocyte receives bulk of cytoplasm and is arrested in Metaphase II
The second cell is called a polar body
Polar body
The second cell, only receives a tiny bit of the cytoplasm
Nonfunctional cell and eventually degenerates
If secondary oocyte is not fertilized
(24-36 hours after ovulation)
it degenerates while arrested in metaphase II
If secondary oocyte is fertilized
Finishes the process of meiosis. Two cells are produced and cytoplasm is unequal. The cell with very little cytoplasm becomes another polar body