Week 2 - E - Head and Neck Cancer and Facial Plastic Surgery Flashcards
Where is most pathology seen in the mouth?
Side of the tongue or buccal mucosa - must look properly to see it
what is MRI best used for?
Soft tissue structures
What virus is linked to nasopharyngeal cancer?
How does naspharyngeal cancer usually present?
With hearing loss and a lump in the neck - blocks the eusatchian tube
What is the most common presenting location of nasopharyngeal cancer?
Pharyngeal recess - also knwon as fossa of rosenmuller
What cancer can joiners get?
Cancer of the sinuses associated with hardwood (adenocarcinoma)
Strong and consistent associations with cancers of the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity have been observed both in studies of people whose occupations were associated with wood-dust exposure and in studies that directly estimated wood-dust exposure.
What are red flags for head and neck cancer?
History of sore throat and hoarseness for greater than 3 weeks Can have difficulty swalloing and also unilateral ear pain
What is the most common cancer of the head and neck?
squamous (95%)
What is often used to get biopsy from a presenting patient?
Fine needle aspiration with guided ultrasound
What are bad risk factors for naso/oro pharyngeal cancers?
Smoking and alcohol
What have lumps in the supraclavicular fossa often arisen from and why?
Cancer from the stomach or lungs or testicles etc due to the right thoracic duct inserting into venous system (at angle of left subclavian and internal jugular)
How does stridor compare to a wheeze?
Stridor is the opposite of a wheeze Wheeze – high pitch sound on expiration Stridor – harsh, low pitched sound heard on inspiration
What are the 4 main methods of basic reconstruction?
* primary closure (immediate or delayed) * Healing by secondary intention * Skin grafts * Skin flaps
When would you perform primary closure?
On a tidy laceration, not infected
When would you perform delayed closure?
When you have to wait for specialist advice r.e. any internal problems as a result of the trauma
Why is a skin flap superior to a skin graft?
* flap already has vascular supply so less likely to fail * skin more likely to match in colour
What are the main difficulties of reconstruction of this nose?

* good aesthetics required - nose is an obvious feature * need to preserve function * 3 layers need to be reconstructed
The likelihood of head and neck cancers increases with age How does HPV associated cancers differ from this?
They usually present in younger patients