Week 2 - D - Airway Obstruction Flashcards
How do neonates breathe?
Obligate nasal breathers - they breath through their nose
Causes of airway obstruction

Poiseuille’s Equation describes the determinants of resistance to flow of (air or blood) in a person What is the equation for vessel resistance?
Vessel resistance (R) = n.L / r to power of 4
What does the Poiseuille’s Equation mean?
It means theat the vessel resistance is proportional to the viscosity of blood and the vessel length It is inversely proportional to the power of 4 of the radius of the vessel ie increasing radius means less resistance
Describe stridor and stertor
Stridor is usually a high pitched wheeze on inspiration Stertor is snoring

How would you treat subglottic stenosis ?

Dilate airway
What must you remember about a person (particularly child) with symptoms of respiratory distress?
They can very quickly progress into respiratory arrest
What is the most important management in acute care ?
How would you treat someone in respiratory distress?

Why should tracheostomy be avoided?
Risk of mortality and morbidity, especially in children