Week 1 - I - Anatomy of the oral cavity and pharynx Flashcards
What are the boundaries of the oral cavity? (4 things)
- Upper and lower teeth
- Floor of mouth/tongue
- Hard and soft palate
- Oropharynx posteriorly

Which tibe projects in the lateral wall of the nasopharynx?
The eustachian tube
The oral cavity begins at the teeth and continues to the oropharynx posteriorly What is the space between the lips and teeth known as?
Oral vestibule
What is the bottom of your tongue known as?
The ventral surface of the tongue
What attaches to the tongue to the lower mouth? (it is found on the ventral surface of the tongue) Where else does this structure exist?
The frenulum of the tongue A frenulum also exits attaching the glans to the shaft of the penis
What is the small prominence on either side of the frenulum on the under surface of the tongue?
The sublingual caruncle - it marks the opening of the submandibular glands

What veins can generally be seen in people located on the ventral aspect of the tongue?
Can generally see the deep lingual veins

What are the 3 major salivary glands? Is it these glands that secrete the basal secretion of saliva to prevent a completely dry mouth?
Patoid gland Submandibular gland Sublingual gland There are 1000s of glands in the oral mucosa that give a basal secretion to prevent a completely dry mouth
Where is the parotid gland located and where does it secrete? What is the part it secretes through known as?
Parotid glad is located in front of the ear It secretes opposite the upper 2nd molar Secretes through the parotid papilla
What does the parotid duct travel from, from the parotid gland to reach tthe parotid papilla? What muscle does it pierce to reach the parotid papilla?
The parotid duct crsses the masseter (muscle of mastciation) and pierces the buccinator muscle where it secretes salivary enzymes via the parotid papilla opposite the upper 2nd molar

Where does the submandibular gland open? (the gland lies deep to the mucosa of the floor of mouth)
Opens in the sublingual caruncle (papilla) which is located on either side of the frenulum
What are the folds on the mucosa of the floor of the mouth known as where the sublingual glands open?
These are the sublingual folds
What is the main muscle of the floor of the mouth known as?
The mylohyoid muscle
What is the innervation of the submandibular and sublingual glands?
The submandibular and sublingual get its parasympathetic (secretomotor) innervation from the chorda tympani branch of the facial nerve (CN VII)
The chorda tympani supplies the anterior 2/3rds of the tongue with the sense of tat and parasympathetic innervation for the submandibular and sublingual gland What does the chorda tympani exit the skull via? and what does the nerve join with on route to the tongue? (this nerve supplies sensory innervation to the tongue)
Exits the skull via the petrotympanic fissure The chorda tympani joins with the lingual nerve (branch of CN V3) on route to the tongue

What suppleis the parotid gland with parasympathetic innervation?
CN IX - glossopharyngeal nerve
What type of muscle is the tongue? What nerve supplies the tongue with general sensory? what supplies it with special sensory?
Tngue is skeletal muscle General sensory supplies by CN V3 (lingual nerve branch) Special sensory supplied by CN VII (chorda tympani branch)
The tongue is separated into the oral cavity and the oropharynx How much of the tongue is in each? What is the groove in the tongue which separates the two parts?
2/3rds of the tongue lies in the oral cavity 1/3rd of the tongue lies in the oropharynx The sulca terminalis is the groove which separates the two
What supplies the posterior 1/3rd of the tongue with general and sensory supply? What lies at the apex of the terminal groove (sulca terminalis) and what is this the origin of?
Potserior 1/3rd of the tongue supplied by CN IX The foramen caecum lies at the apex of the terminal groove and is the origin of the thyoid gland
What are the 4 types of tongue papillae and which contain taste buds?
Foliate Fungiform Vallate Filiform - does not contain taste buds
If the thyroglossal duct is left open, what can occur? It rises on swallowing and sticking out of the tongue
This is a thyroglossal duct cyst
What are the 4 pairs of extrinsic tongue muscles? Where do they attach?
Palatoglossus - hard palate to tongue Hyoglossus - hyoid bone to tongue Styloglossus - styloid process to tongue Genioglossus
What is the innervation of the extrinsic muscles of tongue?
Genioglossus, styloglossus, hyoglossus all innervated by CN XII (hypoglossal nerve) Palatoglossus innervated by CN X (vagus nerve)
What is the function of the extrinsic muscles of the tongue?
Change the position of the tongue during mastication, speech and swallowing