Week 1 - D - Embryology 1 - Pharyngeal arches and ear Flashcards
What embryological structures contribute to the development of the face and neck?
The pharyngeal arches
What weeks do the pharyngeal arches develop in? Try be more specific for each arch if possible
Devlop in weks 4 and 5 of embryology Arch 1 - develops at 22 days Arch 2 and 3 - develops at day 24 Arch 4 and 6 - develops at day 29
Which arch does not result in any human structure?
Pharyngeal arch 5
Each pharyngeal arch consists of an artery from the aortic arch, a cranial nerve component, a neural cells crest and lossely organized mesodermic tissue (mesenchyme) What from the pharyngeal arches gives rise to the musculature of the face and neck?
The mesoderm
What does the nerual crest cells of the pharyngeal arches give rise to?
The neural crest cells give rise to the skeletal component of the face
What 4 things does the pharyngeal arches consist of then?
Pharyngeal arches consist of Core of mesenchyme derived from mesoderm - gives rise to musculature of face and neck Neural crest cells - gives rise to skeletal components of face Cranial nerve component Artery
The pharyngeal arches have clefts and pouches externally and internally respectively Which are the derivatives for the arches, pouches and cleft? (ie the germ layers)
CAP Clefts - ectoderm Arches - mesoderm Pouches - endoderm

The pharyngeal arches are Externally separated by deep pharyngeal clefts - ectoderm lining What separates the pharyngeal arches internally?
The pharyngeal pouches - endoderm lining
What is the cranial nerve component of pharyngeal arch 1?
Trigemenial nerve - maxillary and mandibular divisions
Which cranial nerves are components of pharyngeal arches 2 and 3?
Arch 2 - cranial nerve 7 - facial nerve Arch 3 - cranial nerve 9 - glossopharyngeal nerve
What are the two nerves that supply pharyngeal arches 4 and 6?
Arch 4 - superior laryngeal nerve branch (branch of vagus nerve) Arch 6 - recurrent laryngeal branch (brannch of vagus nerve)

Reminder What gives rise to the skeletal components of the face? What are the two portions of the first arch? (state the trigeminal nerve supply)
The neural crest cells The first arch has a dorsal portion - maxillary supply and a Ventral potrion - mandibular supply
What part of the first arch gives rise to meckel’s cartilage? What does meckel’s cartilage give rise?
The ventral portion (mandibular supply) gives rise to meckel’s cartilage Meckel’s cartilage gives rise to the cartilaginous arch of the mandibular and the incus and malleus

What muscle of the middle ear does the 1st pharyngeal arch give rise to? What muscles of the face does it give rise to?
Gives rise to the tensor tympani muscle which attaches to the handle of the malleus Gives rise to the muscles of mastication
What skeletal structures does the 2nd pharyngeal arch give rise to? ( 2 bones and a ligament)
Stapes, styloid process of temporal bone and stylohyoid ligament Also gives rise to the upper part of the hyoid bone
Name 3 muscles that come from the 2nd pharyngeal arch? What is the cranial nerve supply?
Muscles of facial expression Stapedius Stylohyoid The facial nerve
What pharyngeal arch gives rise to the lesser arch of the hyoid bone? What is the cranial nerve?
Pharyngeal arch 3 Glossopharyngeal nerve

What cartilages are supplied by arches 4 and 6?
The laryngeal cartilages - thyroid, cricoid

Which pharyngeal arch has the muscle that opens the vocal cords to reveal the rima glottidis? Which intrinsic laryngeal muscle does this pharngeal arch not make? what pharyngeal arch makes this muscle?
Pharyngeal arch 6 contributes to the posterior cricoarytenid muscle which causes abduction of the vocal cords Arch 6 contributes to all the intrinsic laryngeal muscle except The cricothyroid muscle which pharyngeal arch 4 contributes to
What derivative gives rise to the pahryngeal celfts? What does pharyngeal cleft 1 give rise to?
Clefts - ectoderm Cleft 1 gives rise to the external acoustic meatus
What derivative gives rise to the pharyngeal pouches? Which pharyngeal pouch gives rise to the palatine tonsil?
Pouches - endoderm The 2nd pharyngeal pouch
What three things does the pharyngeal pouch 1 give rise to?
The middle ear The eustachian tube The tympanic membrane
Where do T cells originate and where do they mature? WHat pharyngeal pouch gives rise to the place where they mature?
They originate in the bone marrow and mature in the thymus Pharyngeal pouch 1 gives rise to the thymus as well as the inferior parathyroid glands
What structure gives rise to the parafollicular cells (aka C-cells or calcitonin producing cells)? Which pharyngeal pouch gives rise to this structure?
Ultimopharyngeal body (ultimobranhcial) Pharyngeal pouch 2 gives rise to this

Otic vesicles give rise to the inner ear What formed by the thickening if the ectoderm gives rise to the structure that gives rise to the otic vesicles?
The otic placodes The invaginating otic placodes become an otic pit which becomes the otic vesicle

What portion of the otic vesicle gives rise to the semicircular canals and what portion gives rise to the cochlea?
Utricular portion of otic vesicle gives rise to semicircular canals Saccular portion of otic vesicle gives rise to the cochlea

What are the dilated ends of the semilircular canal known as?
(crus) ampulla
What is found in the ampulla that is the sensory organ of rotation and contains the sensory cells for balance?
The crista ampullaris has the Vestibular fibres of VIII
The saccule gives rise to the cochlea and connects to it via the what? What is the organ of hearing contained in the cochlear duct known as?
The ducts reuniens Known as the organ of corti

What sepearaes the cochlear duct from the scala vestibuli and the scala tympani?
Vestibular mebrane (Reissner’s mermbrane) separates the cochlear duct from the scala vestibuli Basilar mebrane separates the cochlear duct from the scala tympani The organ of corti is found in the basilar membrane
What ligament holds the cohclear duct in place?
The spiral ligament The auditory nerve fibres insert at the organ of corti When the little hair cells are moved due to the movement of fluid because of sound waves, this creates a nerve impulse that travels along the cochlea
6 mesenchymal proliferations surrounding the 1st pharyngeal cleft give rise to hillocks Where do the proliferations come from? WHat do hillocks form?
3 from arch 1 3 from arch 2 Hillocks fuse to form the auricle of the ear

What syndrome is this? Microtia with hemifacial microsomia (Hemifacial Microsomia is a condition in which the lower half of one side of the face is underdeveloped and does not grow normally.) (Microtia is a congenital deformity where the pinna (external ear) is underdeveloped)

This child has Goldenhar syndrome
What condition is it where both sides of the face are affected? it is similar to goldenhar syndrome Due to a chromosme 5 abnormality
Treacher-Collin syndrome