Week 1 - Wet room 3 - The Face Flashcards
where do the muscles of facial expression lie in the face?
within the superficial fascia
what are the key muscles of facial expression?
orbicularis oculi (Obital part & palpebral part)
orbicularis oris
Occipitofrontalis (anterior and posterior belly)
what nerve supplies the face and where does it emerge from?
facial nerve - Cr. N VII
emerges from the stylomastoid foramen
what would happen if there was damage to the facial nerve on one side of the face?
would cause facial palsy
eyelids, mouth and cheeks would droop
what are the 3 salivary glands and what is the largest one?
parotid - is the largest
what nerve branches can you see which emerges from the parotid gland?
cervical marginal mandibular buccal zygomatic temporal
what is the course of the parotid duct?
runs superficial to the master muscle then pierces through the buccinator muscle to open into the oral cavity opposite the 2 maxillary molar tooth
what artery, vein and nerve passes into the parotid gland?
facial nerve - Cr. N. VII
external carotid artery
retromandibular vein
where does the sympathetic innervation of the parotid gland originate from?
parotid plexus of the facial nerve (Cr.N VII)
what is the parasympathetic innervation of the parotid gland?
glossopharyngeal nerve Cr.N. IX
does the facial artery enter the parotid gland?
no t only groves over it before it enters the face
what nerve innervates the occipitofrontalis muscle?
facial nerve CN VII
what nerve innervates the muscles of facial expression?
facial nerve CN VII