Week 1 Flashcards
What are three domains of development
Describe two alternatives within ‘continuity within change’
Discontinuous development [crawling to walking] or continuous change [growth in height]
Describe lifelong growth
Potential for growth at all life stages
Describe changing vantage points
Meaning of experiences varies with age, roles and responsibilities
Development is plastic, but there are individual differences in plasticity
Individual differences depend especially on childhood
Describe normative age-graded [in Balte’s lifespan approach]
At what ages the normal person reaches particular milestones - eg menstruation
Describe normative history-graded [in Balte’s lifespan approach]
What era a person grows up in - eg war, internet age, etc
Describe non-normative [in Balte’s lifespan approach]
Events that don’t happen to everyone - eg car accident that results in brain damage, divorce,
What are the three basic determinants in Balte’s lifespan approach?
What are the three influences on development in Balte’s lifespan approach?
Normative age-graded
Normative history-graded
What are Balte’s 7 key principles of development
Development is lifelong
Development is multidimensional
Development is multidirectional
Relative Influences of biology and culture shift over lifespan
Development involves changing resource allocations
Development shows plasticity
Development is influenced by historical and cultural context
What is a cross-sectional study
Observes persons of different ages at one point in time
What is a longitudinal study
Observes same group[s] of people at different points in time
What is a naturalistic study?
Observes people in naturally occurring situations or environments
What is an experimental study?
Observes people where circumstances are carefully controlled
What is a correlational study?
Observes tendency of two behaviours or qualities of a person to occur or vary together; measures this statistically
What is a survey?
Brief, structured interview or questionnaire about specific beliefs or behaviours