Week 1 Flashcards
me too accelarators
- 2006: Tarana Burke wrote ‘me too’
- 2017: alyssa Milano on twitter
- 2018: tarana Burke: 1 of 100 most influencial people
–> broadening global impact: not just sexual herassment - 2022: Boos and DWDD
Why did me too take longer on uni than in hollywood?
less woman in power positions to adress the issue
Covid 19 accelarators
- dec 2019: first case of pneumonia of unknown origin in wuhan
- jan 2020: corona identified as cause
- feb 2020: global health crisis
- march 2020: pandamic
what enhances the virus (covid)?
differences between and wthin countries
Why people in poverty with greater risk of infection and death w/ covid?
- less facilities
- less resources
- living close together
- not able to work form home
–> think about everyone when making policy
why increase in domestic violence w? covid ?
- at home
- frustration
- financial problems
what happend to educational systems
- inadequancies and inequities
- more cheating
- not access for everyone: hous schooling, a quiet room, laptops or internat
- increase in mental health problems
Other covid related problems?
- longterm concequences for careers of people who took on most care and household
- hoger precalence of discrimination
accelarators BLM
- july 13 2013: george zimmerman: self defence
- august 2014: michael brown shot and killend in missoury: launche BLM from alicia garza, patrice cullors and opal tometi
- april 4 2015: BLM network founded
points of BLM
people of colour face systematic exclusion and racism
why protests in western europe around BLM?
- colonisation history
- migration backround
why is not everyone equally impacted with climate change?
- housing
- flueds
- fire, different climate areas
What is diversity?
all posible visible and non vissible differences:
- age
- gender
- skin colour
- physical ability
what is gender?
a social construct based on norms values and roles determined by social and cultural facors
what is you sex
what is your gender identity?la
- how you feel
- how you describe yourself
- expression
- what you communicate through
what is culture?
a complex whole:
- knowledge
- believe
- art
- law
- shared by members of a group who belong in it, it also devides
what is eurocentrism?
regarding european cultures as the benchmark for everything: rate it higher than other cultures
what is intersectionality?
illustrates the different aspects of a persons identiy that determine that persons social position
(concept by american rights activist kimaberle crenshaw)
what are the 7 vinkjes?
- man
- hetro
- wit
- 1 HE parent
- 1 dutch speaking parent
- vwo diploma
- uni diploma
how does uni still exclude
by using seemingly value neutral or objective measures set up by a group with the same diversity dimentions: gatekeepers who control acces to privalegded positions and power
what is a stereotype
overly generalised belief/ image about a particular group of people: all members with specific characteristics/ skills
why do we have stereotypes?
to simplify the world
. it leades to social categorization and prejudice: feelings towards a group
what leads to discrimination and reinforces prejudices?
fear of unknown and loss of ones own status
what is tokenism?
- symbolic effords by recruiting a small number of people from underrepresented groups, giving the apperance of diversity and inclusion
- but they leave: no psychological and social dafety
how did woke came to be?
warning to keep eyes open after people were wrongfully evicted of rape
scottsborro boys
reason for equity focused global health agenda?
- COVID exposes and excervates existing health disparities and underlying social determinats (black and minority in UK)
- women more global health workforce: increased risk of in hospital infections
health equity requiers
- mapping how health is distibuted amon different social groups
- showing how this distrubution reflects unsocial conditions
what is needed?
- more data on how covid-19 prognosis is ompacted by pre existing conditions
- more data to know disease burdens
what is the equity lens?
wide range of factors control vunlerability
where do health systems fall short?
- less resoucerd countries with effective policies
why is there need for an equity agenda?
young people are likely to bear long term concequences of the pandamic
healt equity agenda scrutenices:
- specific risk facotrs for covid-19 that play a rolw in health risk in pandamic context
- this way the agenda analyses short and long term effect of measures implemented
when will COV-19 related health interventions not worsen health inequalities?
when they are targeted to the worst off
what should equity focused do?
expose the root cause that creates and sustains social disadvantage
were are inequities the result of?
how systems are set up and operate
how must health equity be treated?
a commitment that infuses and guides everyday individual, institutional and societal action in the healthcare sector and beyond
an equity agenda should
- instist on the importance of treating structural inequalities as deterning factors that shape the emerse and course of the pandemic
- frame a response beyond surveillance, transmission reduction and improved emergency
- need to keep the spotlight on non covid related conditions
conclusion on article on covid
- health is mutch more than just a medical matter
- provide a comprehansive picture of the overlapping duratinal and socially situated burden requires a multidisciplinary approach
- epidemiological research, in dep qualitve and ethnograpic research is critical for evidence
why in 2020 way more support for BLM?
blck protestors calls to reimagine justice, defund police and reinvest in community programs
–> now not radical ideas
what is state sanctioned violence volgens Megan mINg francis and leah wright?
key marker of withe supremacy
Ida B wells
- lunchng mobs were used to enforce a post emancipation racial order that protected white supremacy
- effective leadership of black feminist
- linked anti- black violence to system of capitalism
- highlites impratnce of knowledge production
- anti- lynching campaign
- mass demostration
- power in politics: anti lynching bill: new political and legal openings
black lives and early rights mobilization shows
- emerge of protection of black lives as the pinnacla issue in the early black freedom struggle
- importants of stratagies of knowledge production
- grassroot organizing
- rights claiming
- legal mobilisation
- enfranchisement and voting to protest antidemocratic nature of american political institutions including local politicians and police
- equal and fair political rep
- motivate black people to register to vote
themes in 2013 bLm
- rejection of respactabilities politics
- SM as organizing vehicle
- centering of black feminists polictics
- global movement about vulnerability of black lives
- seeing the numerousmanifestations of structural racism in society