Weapon Traits Flashcards
What does the Backstabber trait do?
Adds 1 precision damage against flat-footed creatures, or 2 precision damage if the weapon is +3 or more.
What does the Backswing trait do?
After missing, gain +1 circumstance to your next attack with that weapon before the end of the turn.
What does the Deadly trait do?
Add the given damage dice on a critical hit. The Deadly damage dice is not doubled. If the weapon is Greater Striking add 2 of that dice; if Major Striking add 3.
What does the Disarm trait do?
You can take a Disarm action with the weapon without a free hand; you can use the weapon’s reach and its item bonus to attack applies to your Athletics check; if you critically fail, you can drop your weapon to avoid the critical failure effect. You must still have a free hand to take the opponent’s weapon if you want to.
What does the Fatal trait do?
On a critical hit, the weapon’s damage dice are changed to the type listed in the Fatal trait and one extra is added.
What does the Finesse trait do?
You can use the Dexterity modifier instead of Strength on attack rolls. Strength is still used for damage.
What does the Forceful trait do?
When you attack with the weapon more than once in a turn, the later attacks gain a circumstance bonus to damage equal to the number of damage dice times the number of previous attacks (maximum 2)
What does the Free-Hand trait do?
The weapon can’t be disarmed and the hand using the weapon can count as free whenever you wish. You can’t attack with the free-hand weapon if the hand is not free for other reasons.
What does the Grapple trait do?
You can take a Grapple action with the weapon without a free hand; you can use the weapon’s reach and its item bonus to attack applies to your Athletics check; if you critically fail, you can drop your weapon to avoid the critical failure effect.
What does the Jousting trait do?
If you are mounted, you can wield the weapon one-handed and its damage dice changes to the listed value. If you are mounted and moved at least 10’ on the action before an attack, gain a circumstance bonus to damage equal to the number of damage dice for the weapon.
What does the Nonlethal trait do?
The weapon makes non-lethal attacks by default. You must take a -2 penalty to make lethal attacks with it.
What does the Parry trait do?
While wielding the weapon and Trained or better with it, you can use an Interact to gain +1 circumstance to AC until the start of your next turn.
What does the Propulsive trait do?
Add half your Strength bonus to damage rolls with the weapon. If you have a Strength penalty, add the whole thing.
What does the Shove trait do?
You can take a Shove action with the weapon without a free hand; you can use the weapon’s reach and its item bonus to attack applies to your Athletics check; if you critically fail, you can drop your weapon to avoid the critical failure effect.
What does the Sweep trait do?
You gain +1 circumstance to attack if you previously attacked a different target with the weapon this turn.
What does the Trip trait do?
You can take a Trip action with the weapon without a free hand; you can use the weapon’s reach and its item bonus to attack applies to your Athletics check; if you critically fail, you can drop your weapon to avoid the critical failure effect.
What does the Twin trait do?
If you have attacked with a different weapon of the same type this turn, you add a circumstance bonus to damage equal to the weapon’s number of damage dice.
What does the Versatile trait do?
You can choose, every time you attack, to deal the Versatile listed type of damage instead of the weapon’s normal type of damage.
What does the Volley trait do?
Imposes a minimum range. Any attacks against targets closer than the listed distance take a -2 penalty.
What does the Reload trait do?
Specifies the number of Interact actions that must be taken to reload the weapon before it can be fired again.
What does the Splash trait do?
Don’t add Strength to the damage roll. Provided your attack does not critically fail, the target and all creatures in 5’ of the target take the listed splash damage. Splash damage is added to the main damage to the target for calculating resistences and is not multiplied on a crit.