Stealth and Detection Flashcards
What state and effect applies if an enemy has no idea you are present at all?
Unnoticed. They are flat-footed to you. For the purpose of system this counts as Undetected, but normally the enemy would not attack if they do not know you are present.
What state and effect applies if an enemy knows you are in the encounter, but not where you are?
Undetected. They are flat-footed to you. They must guess which square you are in and, if the effect used is not an area effect, the GM makes a hidden Flat 11. If their attack misses they do not know if this was because they got the wrong square, they failed the flat check, or they failed to hit.
What state and effect applies if an enemy knows which square you are in but cannot tell your exact location?
Hidden. They are flat-footed to you, and must Flat 11 to affect you with a non-area effect.
What is the effect of being Invisible?
You are Undetected to everyone’s visual senses. They can still Seek to find your location.
What happens if a creature turns Invisible while other creatures can see it?
It is only hidden (not undetected) to those creatures until it Sneaks.
What is the effect of being able to detect a creature only with an imprecise sense?
An imprecise sense can only make a creature Hidden (rather than Undetected); but cannot make it Observed. This means the opponent will have you flat-footed and you must Flat 11 to affect them with a non-area effect.
What state and effect applies if an enemy is able to detect you with a precise sense?
Observed. This has no special effect.
What state and effect applies if an enemy finds it hard to see you due to fog, mist, or something else that is not a physical barrier?
Concealed. The enemy must Flat 5 to target you. This does not affect your status in terms of Observed / Hidden / Undetected / Unnoticed.
What bonus and DC are used when a creature attempts to Seek another?
The Perception check of the seeker, rolled once, against the Stealth DC of everything trying to hide.
What happens if you successfully Seek a Hidden creature?
It becomes Observed, provided you sought it with a precise sense.
What happens if you successfully Seek an Undetected creature?
It becomes Hidden; or, if you rolled a critical success and you sought it with a precise sense, it becomes Observed.
What area do you search when you take a Seek action?
A 30’ cone or a 15’ burst within LOS. The GM can choose to disregard this.
What conditions must be met in order to attempt to Hide from a creature?
You must be behind cover, greater cover, or concealment.
What bonus and DC are used when a creature attempts to Hide?
The Stealth check of the hider, rolled once, including the bonus for the cover that is enabling them to hide, against the Perception DCs of everything that might observe them.
What bonus and DC are used when a creature attempts to Sneak?
The Stealth check of the sneaker, rolled once, against the Perception DCs of everything that might observe them during their movement. Cover or greater cover bonuses apply if the entire movement is done in cover.
What is the effect of successfully Sneaking?
You move up to half your speed and become Undetected, provided you ended your movement in cover or concealment.
What is the effect of failing to Sneak?
You become Hidden, but not Undetected, provided you ended your movement in cover or concealment.
What is the effect of critically failing to Sneak?
You become Observed during the movement. If it is impossible for a creature to observe you precisely, you instead become Hidden to them.
What is the effect of Striking an opponent while Hidden or Undetected?
The benefits of being Hidden or Undetected are gained on the Strike, and then the striker is Observed (or Hidden if the opponent has no way to precisely detect them)
What happens if an encounter starts while you are Avoiding Notice?
You roll Stealth as your initiative, and in addition, any enemies whose Perception DC your roll beats do not notice you.
If a creature is Undetected to your allies but Observed by you, how can you let your allies know where it is?
The Point Out action will let the creature become Hidden to them.
If a creature is Hidden to your allies but Observed by you, how can you let your allies know where it is?
You can’t. The Point Out action can only make a creature Hidden rather than Undetected.
If a creature is Undetected to your allies but Hidden by you, how can you let your allies know where it is?
The Point Out action will let the creature become Hidden to them. It only requires that the creature is “not Undetected” by you, not that it is Observed.
What is the effect of being able to detect a creature only with a vague sense?
The creature can never be better than Undetected, so the only use of vague senses is to detect creatures that would otherwise be Unnoticed.
What is the standard set of senses for a player character?
Precise vision, imprecise hearing, and vague scent.
How can a PC hide from a creature with tremorsense or another special sense?
This can be done with a regular Stealth check by describing specifically how they are making allowance for special senses, or automatically if they have the Foil Senses feat.