Standard Systems Flashcards
What is the DC for a counteract check against a spell?
The caster’s casting DC.
What is the modifier for a counteract check?
Unless stated otherwise, your spellcasting ability modifier plus your spellcasting proficiency bonus.
What is the counteraction level of a non-spell effect?
Half its level, rounded up; or half the level of the creature that caused it rounded up if the level is not clear.
Under what circumstances must you critically succeed on a counteract check to counteract an effect?
If the effect is more than 1 counteraction level higher than your effect’s conteraction level.
How high must an effect’s counteraction level be for you to have no chance to counteract it?
4 or more counteraction levels higher than the counteraction level of the counteracting effect.
Under what circumstances can a non-critical failure on a counteract check still counteract an effect?
If the effect’s counteraction level is strictly lower than the counteracting effect’s counteraction level.
Under what circumstances can a blind creature have “line of sight” to a target?
If they have a precise sense other than vision. Line of sight is used only as a shorthand for a precise sense, not specifically a reference only to sight.
If an affliction has an onset time, at what point do you make the save against the affliction?
Immediately upon gaining it. If the save is failed, the affliction will take effect after the onset time has passed (without another save at that time)
What is the difference between curses, diseases, and poisons for the purpose of the affliction rules?
Multiple exposures to curses and diseases have no effect. Multiple exposures to poison require additional saving throws and can increase the stage of the existing affliction.
What effect does an affliction being “virulent” have?
It requires two consecutive saves, or one critical save, to decrease the stage by 1.
If you have a reaction and a free action with triggers “at start of turn”, can you use both?
No. Only one triggered action can be used on the same trigger, regardless of the type of the action.
How much damage is taken by default by a fall?
Half the distance you fell, provided the fall is greater than 5’.
Under what circumstances do you NOT fall prone after falling?
If you did not suffer any damage from the fall.
How does falling into a soft substance reduce falling damage?
It reduces the effective distance by 20’.
How does deliberately choosing to dive off an edge reduce falling damage?
If you deliberately dove into a soft substance, the effective distance is reduced by 30’ not 20’. If you deliberately dove into a hard substance, damage is not reduced, and why on earth did you do that?
How much damage does a creature take if something falls on it?
By default, it makes a Reflex 15 save, and takes 0/0.25/0.5/1 times the damage the fall dealt to the falling creature or object.